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Summary: Yelena and Natasha are taking time to relax and cuddle when Natasha decides to braid Yelena's hair. However, Yelena decides to act like her usual self and be only the most difficult little turd ever.

   Natasha happily relaxed on the bed, absently running her fingers through Yelena's hair as the blonde rested her full weight on top of her. Yelena's eyes were closed, and her nose was digging into the collar Natasha's shirt as she took in deep breaths of the redhead.

The both of them had gotten some time to themselves after training hard that day, and after the both of them had gotten showers, Yelena had, of course, insisted on afternoon cuddles. Natasha had at first playfully resisted, telling her that she already got morning cuddles and that she was going to get bedtime cuddles. But Yelena had pouted so much at the prospect of not getting any additional cuddles that Natasha was quick to cave to her.

Which led them to where they currently were at this moment.

Natasha let out a calm breath, enjoying her baby sister's closeness and the pressure provided by her weight on top of her.

However, a few dry tendrils of Yelena's loosened hair kept tickling at Natasha's nose, so she moved her hands from Yelena's back and her head to reach up and start to braid her hair gently. Yelena hummed with appreciation, enjoying the feel of Natasha's fingers carding through her largely damp hair as she started to braid the strands.

Natasha could not help a slight grin as she noted the blonde's adorable contentment. Natasha deftly wove her hair around itself, enjoying how the beautiful golden strands glinted in the light pouring into their room there at the compound. Yelena's head was heavy against her as she pressed her face a bit more insistently against Natasha, and Natasha knew that the blonde would probably be asleep within moments.

But as Natasha reached the halfway mark on the braid, Yelena suddenly moved, causing Natasha to mess up on the small yet intricate braid. Natasha let out a noise to gently scold the blonde for her wiggling. Yelena let out a small huff, stilling once again. Natasha smiled softly, taking out the part of the braid that she had messed up. She then proceeded to try to continue.

She only got a little further along with the braid before Yelena suddenly moved again, her head frustratingly shifting its position. Natasha raised an eyebrow, unsure what exactly was making the blonde so terribly fidgety that day since she knew the girl ordinarily would have been almost asleep against her as a result of the ministrations that Natasha was offering her.

"Stop moving so much. You're messing it up," Natasha graced the squirm with a verbal response. She could feel an odd smile against her as Yelena shifted her face up ever so slightly so that her nose grazed Natasha's skin around the hollow of her neck. Natasha let out a light sigh before removing the sloppy parts of the braid and redoing it once again.

However, Yelena wiggled again just before Natasha reached the end of the braid, and Natasha huffed with fond exasperation.

"I'm starting to get the feeling you're doing that on purpose," Natasha commented, slight mock irritation in her voice. Yelena raised her head up, scooting so that she could comfortably rest her chin on Natasha's chest.

"To allegedly be the best spy in the world, you're surprisingly dense," Yelena commented with a wicked smirk, and Natasha narrowed her eyes a little.

"How is it that you always manage to compliment and insult me all in one breath?" Natasha questioned.

"Talent. It comes with being the actual best spy in the world," Yelena shot back with a far too wide grin, and Natasha just put on her own smirk in reply to the blonde, glaring at her playfully.

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