Reunion: Part 6

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Summary: Natasha was one to generally savor solitude, but it seemed that somehow Yelena, within a few short days together, was able to completely wreck that persona.


Natasha reunites with Yelena about a week after they took down the Red Room together and they both struggle to try to navigate their new dynamics, wanting to be close but not quite knowing how.

   Later that evening, it had quickly become clear that Natasha was going to need to call Mason sooner rather than later. Natasha had assumed that they had a little more time before the generator died again, but unfortunately, the generator proved her wrong and she had to call him much sooner than she would have liked.

She liked Mason, but she did not particularly like talking to him more than she had to. He had a bit too many feelings for her liking, and at this point, she wanted to focus on her family and her sister. Besides, as sweet as he was, he was not really her type of guy.

She was honestly not even really sure if she was interested in dating again. Right now, all she could think about was forming a strong bond with her sister and making up for their many lost years together.

However, she called him that evening, pushing through her dread, and asked him if he could bring another, hopefully less crappy generator to her now. He, of course, agreed, but he said that he would likely get there within one or two days.

Which left the both of them without any manner in which to keep warm.

Granted, Natasha knew that they had blankets, but that was not really going to help them in the midst of Norwegian nights. Natasha knew precisely what they had to do, and she had a strong suspicion that Yelena likely knew what they had to do as well. The blonde had been following her around throughout the entire time that she had been there, but as the temperature began to drop, the both of them started to gravitate nearer to one another.

As they ate what food that they had in the cupboards, trying to preserve what food that they had in the fridge and keep from opening it and losing the cold air inside the appliance, the both of them sat extremely close together in the booth on one end of the RV. She used the flashlight that she had, sitting it on its end and propping it so that the light was shining toward the ceiling and the area they were in was somewhat illuminated.

"So when's Mr. Handy coming with the magic box?" Yelena questioned, sarcasm dripping from her every word. Natasha could not help a small chuckle as she took a bite of the chips that she had sat on the table for the both of them to share.

"He says within one or two days," Natasha answered her, and Yelena just scoffed, chomping down on the handful of chips she grabbed from the bag.

"Ugh... Couldn't you hire better help?" Yelena grumbled in the midst of her mouthful, and Natasha huffed, raising an eyebrow at her as she eyed the younger woman.

"He's a contractor, not my servant," Natasha acknowledged, and Yelena shrugged, her body drawing closer so that they were pressed closer together. Their shoulders brushed, and Natasha resisted the urge to raise her arm and wrap it around Yelena's shoulders, still feeling a little hesitant to offer too much affection since she did not know exactly how comfortable Yelena was with the entire thing.

"Sounds like an idiot to me," Yelena muttered, her chilly, bare arms pressing against Natasha's clothed ones. Natasha furrowed her brow a little, looking somewhat concerned as she realized just how chilled that Yelena seemed to be just from how the cold from her skin was seeping through Natasha's shirt.

"Hey... You cold?" Yelena stared at Natasha oddly as the redhead asked the question, and she huffed a little.

"No. I'm Russian," Yelena replied as if it was supposed to appropriately answer Natasha's question. Natasha rolled her eyes, but secretly worried a little over her baby sister.

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