Sing for Me

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Summary: All of those people... They were good, but they were not like Natasha's voice. They did not have that gorgeous rasp that brought comfort and chills to Yelena. It was an eerily beautiful voice that Yelena almost believed was the sound of Natasha's soul, captivating and haunting in its gentle lull.


Three times that Yelena has to ask her sister to sing and one time that she doesn't have to.

   "That was pretty fun, poser. I enjoyed it," Yelena told her older sister, getting up and starting to shrug on her coat as she flashed a glance back at the stage.

Natasha had managed to get her and Yelena really good seats to Wicked the musical since she wanted Yelena to see one of her favorite musicals. She had been very excited to share it with Yelena, and fortunately, Yelena had genuinely enjoyed it.

However, she was very pleased when the actors had left the stage and everything went dark, indicating that the show was over. She honestly could not sit still for that painfully long despite the fact that the show was amazing. It was just around way too many people, and she honestly wished they would stop clapping and shut up for at least five minutes so she could actually hear the end of the songs.

But now they were leaving, and Yelena was so thankful to get out of there. As Yelena adjusted her coat, she realized how truly strange that the musical had ended.

"It ended on a real cliffhanger, though," Yelena added as an afterthought as she fixed the collar of the coat, furrowing her brow a little in thought as she considered what could have happened next in the musical if they would have kept going.

Natasha just chuckled in that manner that was far too knowing and smug for Yelena's tastes. It was always indicative of the fact that Natasha knew something that she did not, and it never ended up any good for her.

"Yeah," Natasha trailed off, a wide smirk on her face as she just remained seated.

"What's so funny?" Yelena froze in fixing her coat, narrowing her eyes and glaring suspiciously at her older sister.

"Sweet girl, it's not over yet. We're having a fifteen-minute intermission," Natasha informed her with a light laugh, and Yelena's eyes went wide as she gaped at the redhead, her jaw slackening.

"Really?" Yelena questioned in disbelief, still frozen in place as she stared at Natasha.

"Really," Natasha replied with a slight laugh, and Yelena nodded slowly.

"Oh," Yelena trailed off unhappily, taking off her coat and sitting back down in her seat, the coat draped over the back of the chair. She immediately felt Natasha's gentle arm around her shoulders, pulling her near and kissing the side of her head.

"We can leave if you don't want to watch the rest," Natasha assured her, not sounding as if she were really upset about it. However, Yelena swallowed down her feelings, knowing Natasha had wanted to show the musical to her since it was one of Natasha's favorites.

"No, I want to see it. I'm just," Yelena trailed off quietly, trying to explain herself, and Natasha just laughed a little, her nose nuzzling against Yelena's cheekbone. Yelena closed her eyes, enjoying the attention.

"It's okay. I know how you get sitting in one place for a long time in large crowds," Natasha whispered to her softly, and Yelena huffed, glad that Natasha understood but also somewhat embarrassed at the weakness being stated out loud.

"Just let me know anytime and we can leave," Natasha told her softly, and Yelena shook her head stubbornly, determined to sit through it despite her uncomfortableness.

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