Living in Our Own Little World

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Summary: When Natasha, Yelena, Steve, Tony, Peter, Sam, and Clint are all snowed in at Avengers tower, they spend some time together in the main room. However, Natasha and Yelena are in their own little world in their big, comfy chair, sipping hot chocolate happily.

   "Okay, so great news... The soonest that a snow plough guy can get here is tomorrow afternoon," Tony announced, irritation rolling off of him as he strode into the room to address the group gathered there that consisted of Peter, Natasha, Yelena, Steve, Sam, and Clint.

Yelena and Natasha shared a glance, the both of them having aimed on going back home for the night, but now that this development had occurred, they knew they were going to be stuck there for a while longer.

The Avengers had gathered for a meeting, snow falling quite a bit outside, and they all had elected to stay in for a bit until the snow stopped falling so intensely. However, when they had went downstairs to check and see how the ground was looking, they realized that they were completely stuck by masses of fallen snow covering the doors.

"So we're snowed in?" Peter questioned, looking worried as he pointed out the obvious.

"Looks that way, kid," Tony replied, folding his arms over his chest. Yelena just shrugged, not seeming too disturbed by the whole thing.

"Well, we might as well get comfortable," Yelena informed him, shifting her weight from either side as she looked at the staircase carefully. Natasha noticed her glances and was beginning to get a good idea of what Yelena was planning.

After a moment of quiet, Yelena just shrugged.

"Well, if no one needs us and since we have nothing better to do, we will be back shortly to join you," Yelena told them, and Natasha immediately knew what Yelena meant by the statement. Yelena took the silence as her cue to grab Natasha's hand firmly in her own and tug her sister to their room in the tower.

The blonde was a little bit sleepy and given the longing glances she kept giving Natasha, the redhead knew that she wanted cuddles. And the best way to give cuddles was to be dressed in more comfortable clothes than they were in at the moment. Natasha honestly thought it was absolutely adorable, and she wanted to

Soon enough, they were both in their shared room, and Yelena started to pilfer through the dresser, pulling out a pair of pajama bottoms and throwing them at Natasha quickly.

Natasha just huffed fondly before removing her jeans and replacing them with her pajama pants. Yelena then proceeded to change her cargo pants to a pair of pajamas. Natasha narrowed her eyes a little with a slight smile.

"Are those my pants?" Natasha questioned, and Yelena just glanced at her slightly.

"If they are, what're you going to do about it?" Yelena challenged, and Natasha just raised an eyebrow.

"Y'know, if you like my clothes so much, why don't you just go to the store and try to replicate my wardrobe?" Natasha asked, and Yelena shook her head.

"It would not be the same because I wouldn't be aggravating you nearly as much," Yelena informed her, and Natasha simply rolled her eyes, well-aware of the true reason.

She knew that Yelena just liked wearing her stuff because it made her feel safe and she liked the smell of them. Natasha knew this because she felt the same way every time that she wore Yelena's vest. It was why Yelena's vest was what she wore any time she was sad. Such a strong piece of her sister really helped her through things.

They soon enough changed clothes, and Yelena grabbed Natasha's hand firmly.

"Let's go downstairs to the big, comfy chair," Yelena told her happily, and Natasha just chuckled as she let Yelena drag her along. She held her weight back a little just to give Yelena a bit of a hard time.

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