As the World Caves In: Part 3

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Summary: It's a wonderful, beautiful day for Yelena. She is on a jog with Fanny, heading to the compound to meet up with Natasha, to hopefully aggravate Kate and Peter, and to let Fanny play with Lucky. Everything is truly perfect in her world.

That is, until tragedy strikes, and Yelena is left with that perfect world caving in.

   It was a terribly long time before anyone emerged from the back room, and Yelena had fallen asleep against Natasha, her tears staining her face as she pitifully woke herself up crying periodically. Natasha felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest and stomped on the floor, and she was so afraid.

All she could think about was what would happen if the dog did not make it through this okay. Now that Yelena was asleep and not depending on her to stay strong, she allowed her weakness and fear to show through.

Kate was almost asleep against Natasha's shoulder, and Peter was looking through his phone, trying to hack into surveillance cameras around the area where Fanny had been hit. He had been working on it not too long after they had first sat down there in the waiting room, and Natasha felt herself melting at the boy's sweet attempts to help Yelena in any way he could.

Yelena stirred just a bit in her arms, her weight shifting on Natasha's lap where she was straddling her, and a dissatisfied, unhappy whimper escaped her. Natasha immediately leaned forward, kissing the blonde's brow in an attempt to soothe her.

Yelena might be a fully grown, twenty-nine-year-old woman, but to Natasha, she was still that sweet baby girl that Natasha had always felt the biggest responsibility to shield, love, and even be somewhat motherly in the midst of her position of being a big sister. Granted, Melina had always done a good job caring for Yelena and playing the part of mother when they were in Ohio, Natasha had felt the responsibility of watching over her sister at all times regardless of Melina's diligence.

And now that they were both grown, she had resolved herself to be everything and anything that Yelena needed her to be. Most times, it was the role of the big sister, but sometimes, there was the need for a motherly approach to combine with the role of big sister. Of course, a lot of being a good big sister was having motherly qualities.

"Natty," Yelena whimpered in her sleep, and Natasha felt her heart seize for a short moment at the nickname Yelena used to use when they were little girls, her eyes widening as he paused for a moment. However, once she was able to collect herself from her shock, Natasha pressed several kisses to her head.

"I'm here, it's okay," Natasha whispered back to her, and Yelena just buried her face more fully in Natasha's shirt, her fists clenching firmly around the fabric. Natasha nuzzled her nose against Yelena's hair, noting that the little turkey had once again stolen her shampoo. Of course, Natasha did not really mind it, but she always made a big deal of it just to mess with Yelena.

Kate stirred against her as well, resting her head more heavily against Natasha as she pressed her nose into Natasha's arm.

Natasha raised an eyebrow slightly as she looked down at the brunette. She could not help but feel a bit of fondness for the girl in spite of herself, and it honestly surprised her that Kate had warmed up to her so quickly.

However, Natasha was soon stirred from her thoughts as a vet tech approached her. Natasha immediately straightened a bit in her seat, shifting Yelena in her grasp. Kate jerked awake with the movement, taking in a sharp breath of air as she remembered where she was. She looked sheepishly at Natasha, but Natasha glanced at her reassuringly before looking at the person before her.

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