The Flour Queen

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Summary: Yelena and Peter go to the fair one day when it is in town, leaving Natasha alone at the compound. However, she quickly goes to Kate, hoping to spend some quality time with her, and Kate suggests that they try to bake cupcakes. Naturally, Kate Bishop and Natasha Romanoff together in the kitchen spells trouble.

   "You two have fun, okay? Don't cut in line in front of kids, and don't drink or eat anything before getting on the rides," Natasha expressed, and Yelena rolled her eyes heavily with Peter just looking a little embarrassed at Natasha's fond mother-henning.

"You make us out like we're a threat to everyone including ourselves," Yelena pointed out with far too much innocence in her voice. Natasha quirked an eyebrow as she crossed her arms and looked at her adorable baby sister.

"I've just got to look after you," Natasha told her, and Yelena huffed. Peter just looked between the both of them, uncertain of whether it would be best to laugh or just mind his own business.

Natasha was currently waving Yelena and Peter off to go to the fair that had come to town for the week. Natasha had already gone with Yelena three times, and after Yelena had thrown up all over her on one of the faster moving rides on their most recent trip, Natasha was not sure if she was up for more fair visits just yet.

Therefore, Yelena begrudgingly yet immediately moved to her other favorite person to aggravate and go places with, which was the one and only Peter Parker. Of course, Yelena was not entirely upset that Natasha was not coming. Yelena actually seemed to be pretty excited to have a new unsuspecting victim—ahem, excited participant— to come with her to the fair.

"Such a mom," Yelena complained loudly, but she wasted no time in coming over to Natasha and lifting her hand up to hold the side of Natasha's neck. Natasha grinned softly, leaning forward and meeting the younger woman's forehead as she cupped the back of Yelena's neck and drew her nearer.

"Look, you're my baby sister. I have to make sure you're okay," Natasha whispered, and Yelena huffed lightly. However, her eyes were practically glowing with adoration. Natasha could not help a small chuckle as she eyed her baby sister.

"And besides... You remember last time," Natasha told her softly, and Yelena let out an unhappy groan as she pulled away from Natasha softly.

"That was one time. And the look on your face was hilarious," Yelena pointed at her as she started mimicking what she remembered Natasha's face to look like. Natasha just rolled her eyes good-naturedly, playfully yet gently swatting at Yelena's shoulder.

"Get out of here, you little turd," Natasha scolded, and Yelena cackled as she jumped away from Natasha's hand. She smirked widely, grabbing Peter by the collar of his shirt as she gave him a firm tug.

"C'mon, Peter Tingle. Let's head out. We know when we're not wanted," Yelena dramatically declared with a far too self-satisfied grin, and Natasha just narrowed her eyes at her, completely unimpressed with the blonde's attempts at aggravating her.

"Bye, Miss Romanoff!" he waved to her, and Natasha offered him a wave in reply, smiling at him calmly as she watched the two start to leave.

"Ooh, maybe we'll see the MJ when we get there!" Natasha could hear Yelena excitedly declare as they walked off. Peter looked positively horrified as he looked back at Natasha helplessly. Natasha laughed, offering them one last wave before turning and heading back toward the compound.

She let out a deep breath, thinking of what she would do without Yelena there to spend her time with. She could get a variety of things done that needed to be taken care of, she could work out... Her options were pretty much limitless in a way that shook her deeply. Any time that Yelena was not there with her, she felt so lost.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon