Chapter One: The Beginning

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Late At Night
Ethan's Pov

Smiling to myself, I closed my book and set it down on my bed.

I grabbed my black leather jacket, the same leather jacket that Alison got me when she returned home.

Once it was on, I left my room and headed downstairs. Once I got downstairs, I grabbed a bag of chips for Hanna before quickly leaving the house.

I smiled to myself as the wind blew in my face, I breathed it in for a bit before letting it out and quickening my steps to head to the barn.

When I got close to the barn, I heard music and laughter. I already knew that Spencer and the girls were in there. The only reason I'm a bit late was because I promised mom I would finish the book I've been reading during the summer before heading to the barn.

And since I didn't want to make mom angry, I decided to spend all day reading the book, that way I would be done with it and still get to have fun.

I opened the door and stepped inside. I looked around to see that my sister and the other girls were there.

With the exception of Alison.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" I said.

I quickly closed the door and walked over to the girls, who had stopped laughing and talking to turn to look at me.

"Hey bro, where were you?" Spencer asked, raising her eyebrow at me in a slightly suspicious way.

I fondly rolled my eyes at my twin sister and made my way towards Hanna.

I sat down next to her and almost immediately she snuggled into my side. I smiled softly at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing her head. Not in a romantic way, in a brotherly way.

Hanna is the most sweetest girl you'll ever meet. When me and her met, we immediately became best friends and got along. We were basically the same person.

But the problem was that she gets targeted the most by Alison. Mostly because of her weight.

I don't understand why Alison bullies her. Hanna may not be skinny like the other girls, but that doesn't mean she isn't beautiful.

Hanna is beautiful both inside and out. She's super sweet to all the girls, but mostly to me. I guess it's because I'm the only one in this group that defends her whenever Alison makes fun of her.

I constantly have to control myself from slapping Alison whenever she decides to mock Hanna.

Some may say that I'm protective of Hanna because I like her, but that's not the case.

I'm protective of her because she's my best friend, she's like another sister to me.

I'm protective of all the girls, especially Spencer. They're all my best friends, Spencer being my twin sister. 

If something were to happen to any of them, there would be hell to pay.

"Sorry, but remember mom wanted me to finish that book before coming here" I said.

"Ah, right" Spencer nodded, understanding.

I chuckled and shook my head at her.

I let out a small 'oh' sound before taking the chips out of my pocket and handing them to Hanna.

"Here you go buttercup" I smiled.

Hanna smiled brightly and took the chips from me.

"Thanks bubs" Hanna squealed.

I giggled and nodded at her. She kissed my forehead before snuggling back into my side, opening the bag and started eating.

I fondly shook my head at her before gesturing for one of the girls to turn the music up.

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