Chapter Seventy-Nine: Crash & Burn Girl

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Ethan's Pov

The girls and I were currently at Hanna's house while her cheating dad was out doing whatever but he'd be back soon.

Hanna's mom ended up getting arrested for Wilden's murder and it's taken a huge toll on Hanna. She really misses her and wishes she could do something to help, but she can't.

Spencer, Emily and Aria currently washing the dishes while I had gone upstairs to try and get Hanna to eat.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Because Hanna told me multiple times she wasn't hungry and that food wasn't going to help her.

After leaving her room I made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

The girls were finishing up with the dishes and I could tell that Emily and Spencer were ending a conversation of theirs.

"Good. You two are talking. Now if we could only get buttercup to eat" I sighed, setting the plate of food down on the kitchen counter.

"We could order those mozzarella sticks from The Brew. She loves those" Spencer suggested.

"The Brew can't deliver the one thing she really wants, her mom" Emily said.

I let out a sigh but nodded my head since she was right.

Hanna only wants one thing and that's her mom.

Aria sighed before walking towards the kitchen counter and picking up the plate of food that I set down.

"This stuff is getting rock-hard" Aria said.

She was going to throw it out but Spencer stepped forward and stopped her from doing so.

"No, don't throw it out. Maybe Hanna's dad will eat it when he gets back" Spencer said.

She took the plate and put it back where it was, going to find a plastic wrapper to cover it up.

"Or we can use it to chisel Mrs. Marin out of jail" Emily suggested.

"I don't think that would go over so well at her arraignment. What's going on with that, anyway? Has Hanna's dad said anything?" Aria asked.

"Only that the cheating piece of shit won't take her to any of the meetings with the legal team" I rolled my eyes.

"Ethan" Spencer shot me a glare.

"What? I've said it many times that I hate him and nothing will ever change that" I scoffed.

Spencer huffed before covering up the plate with the plastic wrapper in her hands.

"Well, Ethan and I will see what we can find out" Spencer told the girls.

I nodded to which the girls nodded back.

"Look, it's getting late. Why don't you two head home and Ethan and I will make sure that Hanna gets something to eat before her dad gets back" Spencer said.

"Yeah. It's time to bust out the big guns. Cake frosting and a spoon" I chuckled slightly.

Aria shook her head, "I'm good to stay".

"Me too. The only way we're getting Hanna through this is together" Emily said.

Spencer and I glanced at each other before looking at the girls and nodding our heads.

Aria then placed one hand on top of my sisters and used her other hand to place it on top of mine.

Emily then leaned forward and placed her hand on top of Spencer's other hand.

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