Chapter Thirteen: Salt Meets Wound

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Ethan's Pov

I was finally able to go home after spending so much freaking time at the hospital. 

But I'm still worrying over the freaking A message on my damn leg cast. Not only that, but I found out from Spencer that Melissa and Ian eloped.

Like, what the hell? 

Moving on from that, I was in my wheel chair, wearing my regular clothes. I was back at home in the living room.

The girls were all gathering my gifts that I got from people to get. While I was trying to keep the sticker on since I didn't want to see that freaking A message on it.

"Why are you taking that off?" Aria asked, walking in with the girls following behind.

"I'm not. I'm trying to keep it on. Believe me, I don't want to see the autograph that's under it" I sighed.

The girls walked over to the kitchen to set the gifts down on the counter.

"Well, we can get you another sticker" Spencer suggested.

"This time, why don't you try something mellower, LIKE 'SAVE THE PLANET'" Aria suggested.

"There were not alot of choices, ok? It was either 'humpty dumpty' or 'Jesus is coming.Look busy" Hanna said, crossing her arms.

I chuckled lightly at that and shook my head.

I sighed and slightly removed the sticker, only to groan when I saw the stupid A message.

"Oh god, it's still there" I said, quickly putting the sticker back on.

Spencer walked over to me and crouched down next to me, putting her hand on top of the sticker as she looked at me.

"Ethan, Ethan, bro, don't, ok? Don't look at that. Just look around you, cause you're safe, you're home and you're alive" Spencer softly said.

"Yeah, well I thought I was safe in my hospital room, too" I sarcastically said.

"What's going on with Noel Kahn? Is he A?Have you talked to him?" Hanna asked, looking at Aria.

"No, I avoid him. I keep telling him I'm busy. Busy freaking out everytime I look at him" Aria sighed.

"Yeah, well try being run over by him" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

It was silent for a good few seconds before Emily broke it.

"Well, do you know who got you all these gifts? There's like a billion" Emily asked, picking up the toy dog Mona got me.

"Half the school came to visit me and dropped off those gifts. Sean, Lucas and Noel came. Mona did too. And the girls from her birthday party came too" I explained.

"Aww, sweet" Emily smiled.

"Is anyone else starving, or is it just me?" I asked.

"Well mom left you some dinner in the fridge" Spencer said, kissing my head to walk towards the fridge.

I nodded as Spencer took out a plate of lasagna and walked over to set it on the table.

"Well, why don't you eat while we go get the rest of your stuff" Aria suggested.

I nodded as they all hugged me before leaving the house to get the rest of my gifts that were still in the car.

I sighed and picked up the plate with lasagna to begin eating since I was freaking hungry as hell.

The Next Day

It was the next day and I was still in the living room, resting on the couch with my book in my hands.

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