Chapter Twenty-Six: My Name Is Trouble

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Ethan's Pov

I was woken up by someone gently moving my leg around.

I groaned and opened my eyes, only to see Melissa holding a flashlight while moving both me and Spencer around.

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Spencer asked, confused.

"Looking for my ring. Would you both mind getting up?" Melissa asked.

"What ring?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

I got up from the couch and gently grabbed Spencer's arm, pulling her up from the couch.

"My wedding ring" Melissa said.

"Why would you take it off?" Spencer asked.

"It was cutting off my circulation. One of the perks of pregnancy. None of your shoes fit and your fingers turn into sausages" Melissa said, sparing Spencer a small glance.

I sighed and shook my head and just decided to help her look for her ring.

Spencer removed her books from the couch and began to help as well.

Suddenly we heard a phone ring and we turned around to see it was coming from Melissa's phone.

Melissa kept searching the couch, removing the pillows and looking on the ground.

Spencer glanced at me and I nodded. We needed to know if she really was texting Ian and helping him.

"Do you want me to get that?" Spencer asked.

Melissa didn't answer her, she kept searching.

"Your phone is buzzing. Do you want me to get it?" Spencer asked.

She tried reaching out for her phone but Melissa quickly stood up and lightly glared at her.

"Keep looking, would you" Melissa said.

She sighed before getting up and grabbing her phone and answering whoever was calling her.

"Hey, I'm not alone. Let me get upstairs, okay?" Melissa whispered.

She glanced at us before turning around and made her way upstairs.

Me and Spencer quickly ran over to the stairs and tried to listen to what she was saying but it all sounded muffled.

The Next Day

It was the next day and I was at school, waiting outside the girls bathroom.

Now, you might be wondering, why am I waiting outside the girls bathroom?

Well, since me and the girls are forced to not see each other, we've decided to secretly meet up at school and continue to discuss everything that's been going on.

I waited for a bit before the door to the girls bathroom opened and a girl walked out.

When I made sure she was really gone and nobody was watching me, I entered the girls bathroom.

As soon as I got in and closed the door I saw Emily by the sink and the girls came out from the stalls.

"Whoo, we gotta find a better place to do this. Somewhere preferably with a fan" Aria said.

"Or somewhere that's both for girls and boys, not just girls" I sighed.

"Oh come on, it's not your first time in here, and besides we're the only ones here so relax" Hanna said, ruffling my hair.

"Good luck. Why don't we dig a tunnel under the school?" Emily sarcastically said.

"Uh, yeah, not with those hands. You need some serious moisturizer" Hanna said, opening her purse.

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