Chapter Twenty-Two: Monsters In The End

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At The Apple Rose Grille
Ethan's Pov

Me and the girls were currently eating at the Apple Rose Grille. We wanted to catch up on everything that had happened, starting with the incident with Spencer's bracelet.

The girls had finished eating their food while me and Hanna were finishing ours.

"Do you think somebody rubbed that sweater on your bracelet?" Aria asked.

"Somebody? Try Ian. He's doing everything he can to make my sister look guilty" I scoffed.

"Your parents should hire you a 24-hour bodyguard" Emily said.

"What about Jenna? What if she paid Caleb to get that bracelet?" Aria asked.

"Wait? When was Caleb in our house?" I asked, confused as to why she would bring him up.

"He doesn't need an invitation, Ethan. He broke into a vending machine with a spork" Aria said.

"Guys. I think somebody's watching us" Spencer said.

This made me and the girls look at her in confusion before turning around to see what she was looking at.

But it was just three statues for the founding festival.

"Those? They're for the founders festival" Emily said and I nodded.

"Man, if that's what Rosewood's founding family looked like, how did they ever get anyone to move here?" Aria asked.

"And why were they allowed to reproduce?" Spencer asked, annoyed.

"Guys, if Caleb was-" Emily started but Hanna cut her off.

"Can we stop using the C word" Hanna angrily snapped, gently slamming her fist on the table.

I reached out to her and gently placed my hand on top of her fist, rubbing it gently to calm her down.

It seemed to have worked because she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"We know this is hard for you, okay, but we have to talk about Ca... him" Aria softly said.

"If we want to help Spencer, we have to know what Caleb knows" Emily said.

"Guys, there is definitely somebody out there" Spencer said, not removing her eyes from the window.

"Maybe if Emily, Ethan and I cornered Caleb, not in school, but somewhere that's Jenna-free" Aria said.

"If Caleb's gonna talk to anyone, it's gonna be me" Hanna said.

This made me and the others look at her in slight shock, not expecting her to offer to talk to him.

I don't even remember the last time they talked to each other after Caleb revealed everything to Hanna.

"Will you do it?" I softly asked, not wanting to pressure her.

"To help Spencer, sure" Hanna nodded.

"Thanks, Hanna" Spencer softly said.

Hanna nodded at her, smiling slightly.

With that the five of us got up and gathered our things and left to head home.

The Next Day

It was the next day and me and Spencer were heading downstairs to get some breakfast.

As we made our way downstairs we heard mom and Melissa talking.

"That Spencer was gonna be wearing handcuffs at my baby shower" I heard Melissa said.

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