Chapter Eight: The Homecoming Hangover

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Ethan's Pov

It was the next day and can I just say that I regret leaving homecoming. I missed out on so much yesterday.

Emily got hurt and Toby had taken her to the hospital, but after he got her there he took off and now we don't know where he is.

Apparently, Hanna went back to the hospital to steal the files to find out more about Jenna and Toby, to get some dirt on them. Mostly on Toby.

And what they found shocked them to the core and they had to tell me and Emily right away.

So right now, me, Spencer and Aria are at Emily's house, in her room.

Me and Aria were sitting on her bed while Spencer was standing.

"It was all in his shrink's file. Toby and Jenna had a relationship" Aria said.

"Way beyond step-siblings" Spencer said and Aria nodded.

"Yeah, they...were involved" Aria said.

"Romantically?" Emily asked, confused and a bit weirded out.

"I doubt I'd call it romantic. I doubt she had much of a choice" Spencer scoffed.

I glared at her in anger and annoyance, not wanting to deal with shit right now, before looking back at Emily.

"And that's what Alison saw when she threw the stink bomb" Aria said.

"Yeah, and she threatened to expose Toby, which is probably why he wanted her dead" Spencer added.

"And not just her, us. You" Aria said.

Emily sighed and closed her eyes, running her hand through her hair. While I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

This earned disbelieving looks from my sister and Aria.

"You don't believe us?" Spencer asked.

"I do" Emily said.

"I don't" I scoffed, earning shocked looks from my sister and Aria.

The girls are thinking that Toby forced Jenna to be in a relationship with him.

However, that's not the truth. I know the truth.

How do I know?

Because this was the one secret that Alison shared with me.

She told me that Jenna was the one forcing Toby to be in a relationship with her. She even showed me videos as proof.

How she got the videos? I have no freaking clue.

But that's enough for me to know that Toby isn't a bad person. He never was.

But my sister nor my best friends can see that. And after what happened, I'm not sure Emily is going to be on my side anymore.

"I do believe you, I...I just don't get it" Emily sighed.

Spencer and Aria gave her confused looks, while I sighed and decided to speak up.

"If Toby 'killed' Alison and wanted to do the same to Emily, then why is she sitting on her bed and not in a body bag?" I asked, crossing my arms.

This time, the girls didn't know what to say about that so they just kept quiet, glancing at each other.

Emily sighed, making us look at her.

"I told the police that when I went out for air, I tripped" Emily said.

"Why didn't you just tell them he attacked you?" Aria asked, shocked.

"Because Toby isn't like that. I know that he wouldn't have attacked her" I defended.

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