Chapter Sixteen: If At First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again

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Ethan's Pov

Me and the girls were all rudely awaken by Aria because apparently she wanted to show us something.

I really didn't care what she wanted to show us, I was so freaking tired after the dance.

"Wait, where's Ian?" Emily asked as we all made our way downstairs.

"Don't worry, he went to Philly to be with Melissa" Spencer said.

"Thank lords" I sighed in relief.

"I didn't realize life existed at this hour" Emily groaned.

"Come on guys, just walk. You need to see this" Aria said, walking towards the kitchen counter to sit on one of the stools.

"I always hoped my first sunrise would have tequila in it" Hanna sighed.

"I'll make coffee" Spencer said.

Aria was typing on Spencer's computer while Hanna and Emily sat down on the other stools while I stood behind Hanna.

"Well, when it's ready just pour it down my throat" Hanna said.

"Same" I said, raising my hand up as Hanna high-fived me.

Aria pressed something on the laptop and soon the picture of Alison with the A message on it.

"I thought we were done looking at this. I mean, we know the shadow is Ian, right?" Spencer asked.

"That's what you guys think, not me" I said, shaking my head.

Aria stood up from the stool and walked over to the printer to take out a printed photo of Alison.

"You woke us up for this?" Emily asked, clearly annoyed.

"It's important. I couldn't let it go" Aria said, setting the picture down.

"Have you been up all night?" Hanna asked.

"Maybe" Aria shrugged.

"You have. One eye is bigger than the other. You look like a strung out power puff girl" I smirked teasingly at her.

This earned a snort from Hanna while Aria half heartedly glared at me.

"Stop looking at the eye. Just look at the picture" Aria said, rolling her eyes.

"Who's having coffee?" Spencer asked.

"Me" I said, raising my hand.

"There's only one place where this picture could have been taken from" Aria said.

"Where?" Hanna asked.

"Alison's bedroom" Aria said.

"No, Alison is in the picture. She clearly didn't take that" I said, shaking my head.

"Ok, but somebody in her house did" Aria said.

"Like who? Her parents?" Emily asked.

"No, her brother" Aria said.

This made me and Spencer look at each other before looking back at the girls.

"Jason" me and Spencer whispered.

"You know, my mom ran into him at the bank. He's back in town" Hanna said, looking at all of us.

"Why?" Emily asked, confused.

"Well we have to call him" Aria said but Hanna immediately shook her head at that.

"No, ew. I am not going to talk to him" Hanna scoffed.

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