Chapter Thirty-Three: Touched By An 'A'-ngel

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Ethan's Pov

I was currently at school, eating breakfast in the cafeteria with Aria as she drank her coffee.

She was acting weird today. She looked nervous and for some reason she kept on drinking her coffee whenever he cheeks turned red.

I was curious but didn't say anything because I felt like it was none of my business and I didn't want to pry.

While eating my cereal, Emily walked towards us and sat down across from us.

"Why is your phone turned off? I was trying to reach you all night" Emily asked.

"I'm sorry. I was avoiding someone's call" Aria sighed.

"I need to talk to you about Jason" Emily said.

This made me sigh in annoyance. This again.

"Well I need to talk to you about Jason. The both of you, actually" Aria said, gesturing to me and Emily.

Me and Emily looked at her with raised eyebrows, confused but also curious.

"He kissed me" Aria said.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I looked at Emily and saw that she was in the same boat as me.

Jason kissed Aria!

Holy mother of hell!

"Aria!" Emily whisper yelled at her.

"I know, it was a mistake. Look, I was trying to figure out a way to tell you guys. I totally don't know how to tell Ezra. Do I even tell him?" Aria asked.

"I mean, you're dating Mr. Fitz and another boy kissed you, I think it's better for you to tell him before someone else does" I said.

Aria sighed while Emily shook her head as she looked at her.

"Aria, Jason had pictures of you. Creepy pictures" Emily said.

"What?" me and Aria asked, confused.

"Spencer and I found a darkroom in his woodshed. He developed photographs of you sleeping" Emily said.

"Sleeping?" I asked, a bit shocked but still confused.

"Sleeping or drugged" Emily said.

"Ok well, I'm officially terrified" Aria said, looking creeped out.

I jumped when Spencer walked towards us and sat down next to Emily.

Does my sister have freaking superpowers that lets her appear out of thin air?

"Good. 'Kay, it's about time" Spencer said.

I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my water bottle since I was feeling a bit dehydrated.

"And for the record, I never bought Jason's whole act hanging around here, pretending to be concerned about at-risk youth, using your brother to get to you" Spencer scoffed.

"Spencer" I said in a warning tone.

"Hold on. He really did help Mike" Aria defended.

"So he could get into your house" Spencer angrily said.

"And kiss you" Emily added.

"Wait, what?" Spencer asked, shocked.

Emily's eyes widened when she realized what she said while Aria glared at her.

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't, I really don't think now is the time to be laughing.

"You're kissing him now?" Spencer asked, shocked.

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