Chapter Eleven: Keep Your Friends Close

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Ethan's Pov

Me and the girls were at school, by Hanna's locker. She was looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed before turning to us.

"Ok, I need to ask you guys something. And I need you to be totally honest with me" Hanna said, turning to look at us.

I frowned at her in concern as me and the girls nodded.

"Is this side of my face fatter than this side?" Hanna asked, moving her face so that we could get a better look.

We looked at the side of her face and shook our heads.

"No" me and the girls said.

Hanna sighed, not convinced, and touched the sides of her face, making me release a small chuckle.

I looked at Aria, only to see her frowning while looking at something.

I frowned and looked to see what she was looking at, only to see that it was Ian. 

Melissa's ex-boyfriend.

I have to admit that he was a pretty cool dude and he and Melissa were perfect for each other. But when he broke up with her, I ended up hating him.

"Is that Ian?" Aria asked.

The girls looked to see Ian walking towards someone, smiling and shaking their hand as he began talking to them.

"Does Melissa know he's back?" Emily asked, looking at me and Spencer.

Me and Spencer shook our heads. I don't really want him around my sister after he broke her heart.

"I don't know why she broke up with him" Hanna said.

"She didn't" Spencer said and I nodded.

"He broke up with her" I scoffed, glaring at him.

"Hey!" we heard Mona yelling towards us.

We turned around to see her walking towards us, smiling widely while holding decorative cards in her hands.

"The first ones for my bestie. And one for each of you, my bestie's other friends" Mona smiled.

She handed Hanna a card before handing the girls their own. I frowned when I didn't get one, but decided to wait to see what Mona would say.

"Oh, what's this?" Aria asked.

"Oh, nothing. Only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever, Camp Mona" Mona smiled.

Hanna smiled at her while I tried to hold in my laughter at the girls expressions.

"Camp Mona?" Aria asked in confusion and Mona nodded.

"Don't let the camping part scare you. It's 'glamping,' not camping. M is for Mona and massages, not mosquitoes" Mona explained, smiling.

Hanna smiled at her while the girls were just confused, but nodded at her either way.

Mona looked at me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. As much as I want to invite you to my birthday party, it's for girls only" Mona said.

I chuckled at her and nodded in understanding.

"Nah I get it, don't worry. I guess that's my disadvantage of being best friends will all girls" I said in a joking way.

This earned laughs from all of them as they shook their heads at me.

"Oh, Naomi, Riley, hey, wait up!" Mona yelled as she ran over to give out more of her invitations.

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