Chapter Sixty-One: This Is A Dark Ride

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Ethan's Pov

Halloween came by faster than expected. 

So much has happened.

Maya's killer is gone, meaning that Maya can now rest in peace since justice was served. Garrett was released from jail. We haven't heard from A but that doesn't mean we're safe, we're never safe from A.

Alyssa has been doing better. She had to stay in the hospital for a week after she got shot but nothing major.

I still feel incredibly bad for what happened to her. If I had never told her about A and dragged her into my mess, she never would've gotten shot in the first place.

While I'm grateful that she saved both Emily and Caleb, I hate that she still got hurt by that asshole called Lyndon.

Alyssa has reassured me numerous of times that it's not my fault but I'll forever feel guilty for what happened.

But the most important thing is that she's alive. That's all that matters.

The girls and I were walking through the neighborhood together as Hanna kept on begging Spencer to tell her what she's going to wear for tonight's party.

"Give me a hint" Hanna begged.

"I will not give you a hint. We made a deal. You'll see my costume tonight at the party" Spencer said, annoyed.

"But what if we end up wearing the same thing?" Hanna asked.

"We are not going to be wearing the same thing, I promise you" Spencer chuckled.

"Look, I'll give you a hint if you give me a hint" Hanna said.

"No hints, ok. We said we're gonna pick somebody from a movie, and we're all gonna surprise each other" Aria said.

"Whose stupid idea was that?" Hanna asked.

"Yours" all of us deadpanned.

I turned to Emily and frowned.

"Em, you sure you want to do this thing?" I asked, rubbing her shoulder.

"I want to do this. I need to do it. I want something big and splashy to mark the whole 'before' and 'after' of everything" Emily sighed.

"Symbols and ceremonies?" Spencer asked.

"And plus there's mystery live entertainment" Aria added.

"Mm-hmm" Spencer nodded.

"I'll see you guys there. I promised Alyssa's parents to pick her up" I said.

"How is Alyssa?" Spencer asked.

"She's getting better. It's fair to say that her parents are still a bit paranoid after what happened" I chuckled slightly.

"It's understandable" Emily said.

"I know. I'm just happy she managed to convince them to let her go to the party. I can't go without my date" I smiled.

A few weeks ago I asked Alyssa to be my date and I was incredibly happy when she said yes right away.

My words made the girls smirk at me as they all let out collective 'oohs'.

I blushed and rolled my eyes at them.

"My ship is sailing" Spencer giggled.

"Shut up" I groaned, earning laughs from the others.

"Hanna, are you sure you want to go on the ghost train?" Aria asked.

"Yeah. Otherwise I'm stuck with my mom and pastor Ted handing out candy to rug rats" Hanna said.

"Your mom and pastor Ted?" Spencer asked.

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