Chapter Fifty: Blood Is The New Black

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Ethan's Pov

It was hard for me to focus on school due to the fact that it's starting again and we're back to being tortured by a new A.

I can't believe that after everything we went through we're back to square one. Again.

We're never going to catch a break, are we?

Right now I was currently in English class, Ms. Montgomery's class, with my sister, Aria, Emily and Alyssa.

I can't tell you how excited I was that Alyssa nearly had the same schedule as me.

"The author goes to great lengths to establish Hedda Gabler as a strong, proud woman, someone who could never live with the threat of being blackmailed. But Hedda was pushed to take a desperate action. And while she may have seen it as brave, we see it as tragic" Ms. Montgomery explained.

Ms. Montgomery passed out the papers before walking back to her desk.

Alyssa glanced at me and flashed me a small smile, making me flash her one back.

"What might really be tragic is if some of you don't start taking some notes" Ms. Montgomery said, annoyed.

We all sighed before picking up our pens or pencils to start taking down some notes.

"Sorry. Senior year is not all about skipping classes and dancing for the security cameras at Walmart. That's what your weekends are for" Ms. Montgomery said.

I turned around when I saw Alyssa leaning over to my side, given that her seat was right next to mine.

"Is it weird that I actually do that on the weekends?" Alyssa asked.

"Really?" I asked, looking at her in amusement.

"Don't judge me, I love dancing and entertaining the workers with my amazing dance moves" Alyssa smiled, flipping her hair.

I let out a quiet snort at that and shook my head, giving her a gentle shove.

Alyssa glared at me and hit my arm, making me playfully glare at her before she went back to taking notes.

"You might also want to research some of his other plays and see how they were received at that time" Ms. Montgomery said.

As I was taking notes I heard a gasp from behind me and turned around to see Emily standing up in her seat, looking complete frightened.

"Emily, is everything alright?" Ms. Montgomery asked in concern.

Everyone else turned around to look at Emily, Spencer and Aria looked at her in worry just like I was.

"C-can I be excused?" Emily asked, stuttering nervously.

Ms. Montgomery opened her mouth to say something but Emily quickly ran out of the room.

The girls and I glanced at each other before standing up from our seats as we ran out of the room to catch up with her and find out what was wrong.

When we got outside we saw Emily running into the girls bathroom and we saw Hanna in the hallway, looking confused and worried.

"Wait, what's going on?" Hanna asked.

"We don't know, just come on" I said.

We all ran inside the girls bathroom just in time to see Emily washing her hands, still looking frightened.

"Em, what's the matter?" Aria asked in concern.

"Hey, talk to us, we're here for you" I softly said.

Emily sighed before reaching for something in her purse. She took something out before handing it to Aria.

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