Chapter Fifty-Four: The Remains Of The A

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Ethan's Pov

Spencer, Hanna and I were currently walking through the hallways at the hospital, trying to find the room Garrett's mom is at.

Spencer told us that when she visited her room she found a note and she's convinced it could lead us to A.

"Buttercup, slow down. You almost tripped over a catheter back there that was still attached to someone" I sternly said.

"312, 312" Hanna said, ignoring what I said.

Finally we spotted the room and stopped walking.

"There it is" Hanna whispered.

Spencer nodded as I grabbed Hanna's arm and pulled her towards us.

"We need to have a plan" Spencer said.

"We have a plan, exposing A" Hanna said, clearly annoyed.

"Inside voice. Ok" I sternly said.

"What is the plan exactly?" Spencer asked.

"We're going to replace Garrett's note with a fake note that we wrote" Hanna said.

"I know that part. I came up with it, remember?" Spencer asked.

"I was wondering why you were asking me that" Hanna said in annoyance.

"Yeah, but we still need a place to lead A" I said and Spencer nodded.

"Rosewood church, by the organ in the main sanctuary, tonight" Hanna said.

"How did you come up with that?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I have been living there since my mom signed me up to sort through spandex shorts and granny panties" Hanna said.

"But won't the church be locked?" I asked.

"That's the point. It's deserted at night" Hanna said.

"So when Lucas shows up-" Spencer started but I cut her off.

"It's not going to be Lucas!" I argued.

"Yes, it will, Ethan, he had the pills" Spencer argued back.

"Fine! Then I'll show up with a paddle and finish what I started at the lake" Hanna said in annoyance.

"Whoa. What happened to the girl who wouldn't get out of her sweats?" Spencer asked as she searched through her purse.

"She traded them for fatigues. I'll write that" Hanna said, taking the paper and pen from Spencer.

"Are you sure you know how?" Spencer asked.

"Yes. I've been forging my mom's signature since seventh grade in P.E" Hanna said.

She wrote the letter and ripped it off the notepad before handing it to Spencer.

I huddled closer to Spencer to look at it and my eyes widened slightly. Wow, the handwriting looked exactly the same.

"Wow. This is really good" Spencer said, impressed.

We looked at the room and saw a nurse inside, most likely checking to make sure everything was ok.

"Yell if either of you see anyone, alright" Hanna said.

"Are you sure you wanna do it?" Spencer asked.

"This A broke me and Caleb up, do you understand? They're gonna have to pay for that" Hanna angrily said.

I sighed but nodded my head in understanding.

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