Chapter Eighteen: The New Normal

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Ethan's Pov

Me and the girls were currently at Emily's house, we were in her room looking at the paper Toby gave us to figure out the clue to see if it could link us to A.

However, I could feel some serious tension between Aria and Hanna. They were barely speaking to each other. 

Aria literally refused to be anywhere near Hanna.

Because while me and the girls were sitting on Emily's bed, Aria was sitting near her window.

Besides that, Spencer and I told the girls about Melissa being pregnant and to say they were shocked would be an understatement.

"Okay, so, your sister's pregnant. How'd that happen?" Hanna asked me and Spencer.

"We figure pretty much the usual way" I said and Spencer nodded.

"It's not really a 'how' question, it's more of a 'why' question" Emily said.

"Well, I mean, I guess Melissa could have gone all maternal, but I doubt it" Spencer said.

"This is so creepy" Hanna groaned, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Where are they now?" Emily asked.

"Philadelphia. Shopping" I snorted.

"What do you think this means?" Hanna asked, gesturing to the clue Toby gave us.

"I don't know, but Toby wanted us to have it" Spencer said.

I nodded and grabbed the paper and handed it to Spencer, who took it from me and nodded in thanks.

"There. It's in braille, so" Spencer said.

"You want to see this, Aria?" I asked, gesturing her to come over to where we were so she could see.

"No. I can see just fine from here" Aria said, shooting Hanna a dirty look before looking back outside.

"Ok" I nodded, quite awkwardly.

Hanna rolled her eyes, and I guess Emily saw because she looked at me in confusion but I just shrugged, confused like she was.

"The first letter's a B" Spencer said, writing the letter down on her notebook.

"A. It's an A, the next letter" I said to Spencer, who nodded and quickly wrote it down on her book.

"I think it's gonna tell us who A is" Hanna said, her eyes slightly wide.

"D?" Spencer asked, confused as she wrote the letter down.

"B, A, D" Emily said, reading off what Spencer wrote on the notebook.

"Bad" Hanna scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"That's the whole message, bad?" Spencer said, looking confused and a bit annoyed too.

"Um, what's it supposed to mean?" Emily asked in confusion.

"It means you got punked. Toby doesn't trust us. I don't blame him" Aria scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"He may not trust us but he trusts Ethan. I doubt he would give us something fake if Ethan were involved with it" Hanna said.

Aria didn't bother looking at her and just continued looking outside.

"Yeah, I don't think he'd mess with us like this" Emily said.

"You'd be surprised what people are capable of" Aria said, turning around and looking directly at Hanna.

I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Hanna to see that her eyes were filled with nothing but slight guilt and annoyance.

"You guys, we have to figure this out. This might be a joke, but it could be something real" Spencer said.

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