Chapter Twenty-Five: The Goodbye Look

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Ethan's Pov

Me and the girls were still at the greenhouse, still in shock that Ian's alive.

"Did things just get incredibly worse?" Aria asked, clearly worried.

"I can't believe this. Ian's dead" Emily said, still in denial.

"No, zombies don't text! Ok? He is alive somewhere" Hanna said.

"Spence? Ethan?" Aria asked, worried.

Me and Spencer glanced at each other, unsure of what to say or what to do, we were both still in shock over this.

"We have to get this phone home before Melissa realizes that it's gone" I said.

Spencer nodded as we both tried to leave but Emily stopped us.

"Ok, you put it back, and then what do we do?" Emily asked, still worried.

"Do we call the cops?" Aria asked.

"Oh, yeah, because that always works out so well for us" Hanna sarcastically said, rolling her eyes.

"Why is Ian texting Melissa?" Aria asked.

"And why is Melissa answering him?" Hanna asked.

"Is she? I mean, we don't know how long this has been going on" Emily said.

We all looked at each other as Aria sighed and looked at me and Spencer.

"Spencer, Ethan, look, you guys have to find out what Ian told Melissa. You two are the only ones who can find out what he wants" Aria said.

"And where he is" Emily said.

We heard more noises coming from above us and it's fair to say we were scared as hell.

"Let's get out of here!" I yelled.

The girls nodded and we all quickly left the greenhouse and began walking together.

I made sure to be near them at all times since it was pretty late.

I may have a cast on one arm but I can still use my other arm to throw punches.

"Let's finish this in the morning, ok. I'm cold, damp and scared. We can talk at school" Hanna said.

"We can't talk at school, remember? The four of us are supposed to be having 'separate time'" Aria said.

"Doctor's orders" Emily said in annoyance.

"So, what are we supposed to do, not talk to each other? We're in the same classes" Hanna said.

"We just have to play it cool" I said and Spencer nodded.

We heard noises nearby and turned around, only to see Jason exiting out of his house.

"It's Jason" Spencer said in shock.

He walked over to the trash bins and began dumping a few things out.

"Did he move back in?" Hanna asked, confused.

"What is all that?" I asked, confused as to what he was throwing out.

"That's all that stuff that those people left on my curb when Ali went missing, those tributes" Aria said.

"Maya said her family kept those things when they moved in. They didn't have the heart to throw them out" Emily said.

"Apparently Jason's moved on" I frowned.

I mean, I understand that Jason and Alison didn't have the best sibling relationship, but why would he throw them out?

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