Chapter Sixty-Nine: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

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Ethan's Pov

Aria called Emily and told her what happened and told her to come over.

I called Hanna but she didn't answer, so I left her some voicemails and texts, hoping she'd answer them.

Spencer sat on her bed while Aria and I stood around her.

We heard footsteps and we saw Emily walking inside, when she saw Spencer her eyes widened in relief.

"Oh, my God. Are you alright?" Emily asked in concern.

"Yeah" Spencer nodded.

Emily brought her into a hug and Spencer easily hugged her back.

"Thank god Ethan got here when he did" Emily sighed in relief.

Thank god I did.

They hugged for a little more before they pulled away as Emily looked at Aria and I.

"Where's Hanna?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. She won't answer any of my texts or calls" I shrugged.

Emily frowned before sighing and nodding her head as she turned back to Spencer.

"So, who is it? Who's helping Mona?" Emily asked.

"We should wait for Hanna" Spencer suggested.

"No, this is too important to wait" Aria shook her head.

She's right.

If Spencer knows who's helping Mona then we need to do know too, it's important.

"Ok, but you guys need to know that I've been warned not to tell you" Spencer said.

"What else is new?" Aria asked.


Emily and I glanced at each other before looking back at Spencer.

"Wait a minute. You knew who it was before tonight?" Emily asked, shocked.

"Yeah. I've known for a few weeks" Spencer nodded.

Why the hell did she keep this a secret?

Why didn't she tell us the second she learned who it was?

"Why didn't you tell us any sooner?" Aria asked in shock.

"I wanted to be sure. I didn't want to believe that it could be true, but after tonight happened, I can't keep this to myself anymore" Spencer explained. she needs to tell us.

Spencer closed her eyes, took a deep breath, before reopening her eyes.

"Toby is A" Spencer revealed.

I swear to god I felt my heart drop all the way down to my stomach.

What...what did Spencer just say...?

Please tell me that what she said was all in my head and she said a different name.

We all stood in silence for a good few minutes, none of us knew what to say, we were frozen in shock.

Emily had tears streaming down her face while I was trying to process everything.

Aria stared at out the window before sighing and turning back to look at us.

"So, what are we saying? That what Ali wrote in Emily's notebook was true? That Toby's secretly hated us ever since Ali threw that firecracker in his garage?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, I guess so" Spencer sighed.

"Are we also saying that he hates Ethan too? After everything he did for him, he hates him along with us" Aria asked in disbelief.

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