Chapter Sixty-Three: Mona-Mania

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Ethan's Pov

The girls were going to go back to school in order to get Alison's diary back to see what else she's written.

While they were doing that, Aria texted me, asking if I could come over since she didn't want to be alone with her dad.

Turns out Mona wasn't the only one in the shed, Meredith was there too and she was injured terribly. 

Mr. Montgomery believed that Aria was involved with the explosion and believed that we helped her.

Aria is extremely pissed at him. I am too. 

I know he isn't my father, but for him to believe that we would do something like that is just wrong.

No, for him to believe that his own daughter would do something like that is wrong on so many levels.

Aria and I are currently sitting on her couch. We were eating popcorn and drinking soda as we watched a movie.

"Thanks for coming. I seriously didn't want to be here alone, especially with my dad" Aria said, spatting her dad's name like it was venom.

"No problem. And for the record, you have every right to be pissed at your dad. We all are" I said.

Aria smiled slightly at that and nodded.

We went back to watching the movie, eating our popcorn.

All of a sudden we heard footsteps and Mr. Montgomery walked into the living room.

"Oh, hello, Ethan. I didn't know you'd be here" Mr. Montgomery said.

I just gave him a dirty look before turning back to the T.V to continue watching the movie.

Mr. Montgomery sighed before looking up at the T.V.

"I think I've seen this one before" Mr. Montgomery said.

He walked towards the couch and sat down next to Aria. He grabbed the remote and muted the movie.

Seriously. We were getting to the good part.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you about that explosion at school" Mr. Montgomery said.

"We've already talked. No, wait, you talked, I got accused" Aria glared at her father.

Forget the movie, this might be a bit more entertaining.

"Meredith got a call from the principal. He believes they found out who was behind it" Mr. Montgomery said.

He tried to grab her hand but Aria pulled it away, still glaring at him.

Mr. Montgomery shot her a guilty look while I had to stop myself from snorting. He deserved that.

"And I know that you are still upset at me for thinking that you were somehow involved. And I just wanted to say that I'm sorry" Mr. Montgomery softly said.

This is a bit awkward but entertaining. 

Aria giving her father the cold shoulder after he accused her of something she didn't do is the highlight of my day.

Aria continued glaring at her dad before grabbing the remote and unmuting the movie.

"I have seen this one. That guy keeps a severed head in a hatbox" Mr. Montgomery nodded.

Aria and I glared at him, angry that he spoiled that part for us. Aria scooted closer to my side, bringing her popcorn and drink with her.

Mr. Montgomery sighed before getting up from the couch as he started walking away.

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