Chapter Sixty-Five: Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Inferno

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Ethan's Pov

Something has been bugging me for a while.

Spencer hasn't said a word ever since her anniversary dinner with Toby.

I've tried talking to her but she either comes up with weird excuses or she just downright ignores me.

Something is going on and I need to find out. I need to know what happened between Spencer and Toby.

Now might be a perfect time. Especially when Aria, Hanna, Spencer and I are all walking together.

"Still recovering? From the anniversary dinner" Hanna asked.

"Yeah. Yeah" Spencer nodded.

"Was he surprised?" Aria asked.

"Mm-hmm. It was a really big surprise" Spencer slightly smiled.

Aria and Hanna smiled brightly at that. While my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She didn't sound excited at all. If anything she just sounded dead and tired.

I pressed my lips into a thin line before shaking my head, turning to look at Hanna.

"Buttercup, where were you last night? Were you with Caleb?" I asked.

"No, he's being really weird. Everytime I try to make plans with him, he says he's busy, but he won't tell me what he's doing" Hanna explained.

"Why don't you just ask him? Be honest" Aria shrugged.

"Wow. It's like the world's fattest man giving dieting tips. Hello! You're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the natterhorn" Hanna sarcastically said.

I snorted and shook my head in amusement.

"Ok, if you're talking about Fitz and the kid, I'm gonna tell him today. And the goal was never to keep it from him. I'd wake up every morning with the intention of telling him, and then I'd go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't" Aria explained, clearly worried.

"At least you have your afternoons free" Hanna shrugged.

"Nice bit of support, Hanna" Aria sarcastically said.

"Oh, and by the way buttercup, it's 'matterhorn'. Muh" I corrected her.

"Exactly. Aren't you the one that's supposed to be correcting her?" Aria asked, gently nudging Spencer's arm.

"What?" Spencer asked, confused.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I asked, concerned.

"Uh, nothing. We didn't really get much of an anniversary cause Toby had to get up early for work the next day" Spencer sighed.

"That sucks" Aria frowned.

"Yeah, it does" Spencer nodded.

We stopped nearby the brew as Spencer tuned to us.

"Listen, um, I'm gonna skip the brew today cause I have a lot of reading to catch up on, for English, so I'll catch you guys at lunch" Spencer smiled.

She gently kissed my cheek before walking away.

We all glanced at each other before walking towards where Emily was.

However, my eyes wandered over to the windows and I saw Alyssa inside the brew.

"Uh, you guys have fun, I'm heading inside" I quickly said.

I didn't wait for them to respond and quickly walked inside the brew.

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