Chapter Thirty-Seven: Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares

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A Month Later
Ethan's Pov

A month has passed since the complete disaster me and the girls were involved in. The police weren't able to prove much, even with the shovel they showed us that day. Luckily, mom was able to get us community service instead of us serving jail time.

Thank you, mom. 

Right now me and the girls were picking up trash at the Southfield Playground, wearing orange jumpsuits.

To say we were tired, annoyed and disgusted would be an understatement.

But I would rather be doing this instead of spending time in jail for something we didn't do.

"Only an hour and thirty minutes to go" Hanna said, trying to look on the bright side.

"I think it's more like two hours, but who's counting?" Aria sarcastically asked.

I rolled my eyes and continued picking up whatever trash I could find at this playground.

"How many hours you got left?" a girl with black hair asked.

"Six months" a girl with brown hair scoffed.

"But your momma's not a big-shot lawyer getting you and your pals community service for tampering with evidence" the black haired girl sarcastically said.

This made me glare at her but I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying anything.

"I thought you said they killed somebody" the girl with brown hair said.

"That's what the cops think, but the cops can't prove it" the girl with black hair said.

"Cops are stupid" the brown hair girl scoffed.

This made me stop what I was doing as I turned around to glare at them, Emily doing the same thing as me.

"We didn't do anything!" Emily yelled in anger.

"Yeah, so if you could keep your mouths shut, that would be amazing" I angrily said.

"Don't talk to them!" Spencer yelled at both of us.

"We'll talk to anybody I want to" Emily said, turning to glare at Spencer.

"No, you won't" Spencer angrily said.

"And who's going to stop us?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my sister.

"The three of you just shut up. I don't want to hear it any more!" Aria yelled, annoyed.

I rolled my eyes as me and Spencer went back to picking up trash.

Emily sighed in annoyance before walking towards Spencer.

"Did you at least think about my idea?" Emily asked.

"It was a bad idea when they arrested us, it's a bad idea now" Spencer scoffed, not bothering to look at her.

"Spence, we finally have something solid. Why won't you use it?" I asked, backing up Emily.

"Because you can't make a deal with a rattlesnake" Spencer angrily said.

"You can if you have something the rattlesnake wants" Emily snapped and I nodded.

"Can we stop talking about snakes?" Hanna asked, annoyed and disgusted.

I rolled my eyes and went back to the trash, but stopped when Spencer turned around to look at me and Emily.

"Listen to me. We're not going to be making any kind of a deal with A. That's final" Spencer sternly said.

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