Chapter Fourty-Eight: UnmAsked

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Ethan's Pov

The girls and I were currently in the kitchen watching the news.

Garrett's arrest has spread all through Rosewood and everyone is now convinced that he's Alison's real killer.

He deserves what he's getting. If he really is Ali's killer I can't wait for him to rot in jail.

"One week after his arrest, Reynolds pled not guilty to the charge of Alison DiLaurentis' murder. However, prosecutors remain confident with their case. Rosewood PD's working theory is that Reynolds became a police officer to destroy evidence that linked him to the murder scene. Investigators received a break in the case when that document was recovered"

This made me and the girls look at each other, already knowing what document they were talking about.

"That must be page 5 of Ali's autopsy report" Hanna said.

"Garrett took it, but somebody gave it back" Emily said.

"Our mom is friends with the prosecutor. That somebody was Jenna" I said.

Looks like Jenna had enough of Garrett and wasn't about to go down with him.

Never thought I would say this but, thank you Jenna.

"Can we finally put Ali to rest now?" Aria asked.

Spencer grabbed the remote to mute the T.V so we could discuss everything.

"Or is two down and two to go? Ian's dead, Garrett's in jail. Melissa and Jenna were in Ali's room that night too. They may not have killed Ali, but they're definitely guilty of something" Hanna explained.

I really don't want to believe that, but everyone has secrets.

I mean, I have my secret that I don't want the girls to know about, at least not yet.

What secrets could Melissa be hiding?

We heard footsteps and turned around to see Melissa entering the kitchen.

"Love gone wrong" Melissa sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Spencer asked as she turned the T.V off.

"I knew Ian didn't kill Alison, and you five can keep a secret, but you don't have the constitution for murder" Melissa said.

I gulped slightly as Melissa's eyes wandered over to Aria's frozen yogurt.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Melissa asked.

Aria didn't say anything and just pushed her frozen yogurt to her.

"Thanks" Melissa said.

Aria just nodded and scooted closer to my side, her eyes never leaving Melissa.

"I know how Jenna Marshall went blind, and so did Garrett. If he killed Alison, it's because he thought she deserved it" Melissa shrugged.

I know that she hates Alison but why would she say that?

It doesn't matter if Alison was a bitch, she didn't deserve to get murdered, no matter what she's done.

Melissa took a bite of the yogurt and hummed in delight.

"Mmm. Is this peanut butter?" Melissa asked.

"Toffee" Aria said.

"Mm. It is good. Thanks" Melissa smiled.

She walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the forehead before making her way towards the door.

When she left the house the girls immediately looked at me and Spencer.

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