I promise...

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Violets POV

"Get away from me!" I scream though my voice comes out hoarse.I jolt forward hearing the gasps and cries followed by loud beeping which surrounds me.I feel a hand hold down my arm as a mask is pulled away from my face.I knew i had to still be in the dark basement but i could feel a bright light against my face making me wonder if i had died.
My eyes flutter open as I squint, my eyes adjusting to the intensity of the brightness in the room. A doctor stood in front of me with a puzzled look across his face and a stethoscope to his ears.
"Vi..." Leo whispers from the bedside as he grabs my shaky hand, I instinctively flinch my hand watching Leo's eyes fill with hurt, my eyes grow wide as they scan the room.Leo sitting next to my bedside, Tobias standing across from the bed and Lucien sitting  on the other side of the bedside. I scramble to the edge of the hospital bed feeling myself begin to hyperventilate. My knees coming to my chest as I covered my face with my hands trying to make myself as small as possible.
I knew I wasn't down in that basement anymore,I knew Jay was gone yet I still felt that same fear, that same overwhelming fear that confined me to that basement.

"You're safe Violet" Lucien's voice assured as he placed his hand onto my shoulder.I flinched from his touch as if it burned, my breathing became more laboured as my body shook violently.
"Malik" I croaked tears streamed down my face as I began ripping at the wires that were attached to my trembling arm.I felt a sharp stabbing pain followed by a cold sensation on my thigh as my eyes began to feel heavy.The panic melting from my body as i felt my eyes begin to shut, i knew i couldn't fight this.

"Where would you go?" Malik asked, the morning sun rising behind him as we walked quietly down the dimly lit street.
I smiled softly as I looked down to the ground. "Paris" I whispered as my gaze fell onto him. "I'd go to Paris" I clarified as we continued walking, my school bag jumping up and down against my back.
"Paris," he smiled. "Let's leave now, go to Paris together" he pleaded as he stopped walking, gently grabbing my hand as I stood in front of him.
"Malik..." i whispered "i can't leave,i can't run from my problems they will always catch up with me" i muttered.A small frown appeared across Malik's face as he squeezed my hand lightly.
"One day i promise, i'll take you to Paris"

I groaned as I shifted uncomfortably in the bed, my eyes flickering open as I felt a warm hand intertwine with my fingers. The touch was familiar and comforting as if we were a puzzle piece falling back together. My gaze followed the source of the touch as a smile tugged at my lips.Malik's light brown eyes appeared darker although his loving expression across his face remained, His dark curly hair was neatly pushed back making the bruise on his cheek more visible. His face was more sunken in making his eyes appear bigger than when I last saw them.He was my Malik but now he appeared broken.
"Are you okay?" I whispered as I lifted my hand to his face, my hand cupping his face gently as he leaned into my touch.
He chuckled softly as a smile grew across his lips, his laughter captivated me to the extent that a smile tugged at my lips.
"You never changed," Malik whispered as he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.His eyes growing red and glossy "Still as selfless and caring as the first day I met you" he whispered as he kissed the back of my hand causing my face to become hot.
"Watch it" Nico grumbled from the doorway, my gaze falling onto him.
"Nico..." I whispered as he limped over to my bedside.
"Hey Bambina" he replied as he ruffled my hair gently.
"You're okay" I whispered as my eyes welled with tears.
"It's going to take a lot more than a bullet to kill me" he chuckled before wincing softly.
"I should go Lettie so you can spend time with your family" Malik announced as he stood up from the chair by my bedside.
"No" I croaked as I reached for his arm. "Please stay with me" I whispered as my eyes looked up to him.
"Always" he replied as he sat back down.

"My principessa" My father exclaimed as he walked into the room.The dark circles around his eyes appeared darker than when i last saw him and the smile lines that once formed around his mouth were gone yet his bright blue eyes beamed as he smiled towards me.
"Hi Dad" I croaked as the corners of my mouth curved.
My father kneeled by my bedside and planted a kiss on the crown of my head.
"I'm never letting you out of my sight" my father joked as he tucked my hair behind my ear.
"How long was i gone for?" I asked my voice just above a whisper.
"Almost two days, but you have been asleep for 23 days" My father replies as his gaze wanders from my eyeline.
I remained silent as I felt Malik squeeze my hand softly.I wasn't sure how to react or how to respond.Even from the grave it felt like Jay was still stealing my life as if i will always be tainted by him long after he is gone.
"Oh" I whispered as I looked up to the ceiling, not wanting anymore tears to fall.
"He is dead right?" I abruptly asked as my gaze fell back to my father.
"He is dead, Bambina," Victor replied as he walked over to me.
"Nobody will ever hurt you again" Victor whispered as he smiled weakly.
"When can I leave? I miss my bed "I announce, causing Leo to snicker as my father chuckles.

I was grateful for my father, he managed to pull some strings so I could leave the hospital early even though he thought I should stay longer just in case. My brothers and Malik had gone back home as my Father signed me out of the hospital.
"I really don't need a wheelchair" I remarked as my father pushed me into the hospital hallway.
"Yes you do principessa, I'm not risking you getting hurt," he retorted as he continued pushing me.
I smiled softly.It was weird, almost dying made me realise just how much i hadn't said, so much i needed to say to people and when i almost lost that chance i regretted ever staying silent. I realised I didn't want to die holding resentment in my heart.
"Dad?" I asked as he helped me into his car.
"Hmm" he hummed as he buckled my seatbelt.
"Why didn't you get me earlier?" I whispered. My fathers eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head slightly.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"I mean you knew about me in England so why did you leave me there?" I clarified as my father sighed deeply.
"Violet..." he whispered "i thought you were safer there" he responded but his voice came out as a whisper.
"How long have you known about me?about where I was?"
"A few weeks before the accident"
I pull my eyes away from him, unable to look at him without wanting to cry, or scream perhaps both.
"Why?" I asked, my voice trembling.
"Raven died because of me, you were taken because of me, because of the lifestyle i work in.I thought you'd be safe far away from here, far away from me"
"You don't get to decide that" I replied, my gaze still peering out the window.
"I'm so sorry Violet" He replied as he gently tried to hold my hand, i pulled my hand away from his touch
"I want to go home" I announced as he closed the car door.

————— Authors NOTE —————
Hi my luvs!
Thank you guys for all your support 🤍
I have officially decided that I'm going to be continuing this book! I hope you guys all stick around xx
- EJ

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