2. Family

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" I am taking your shirt, hyung. I can't find mine and I am getting late. "

A cute guy yelled on top of his lungs.

" I dare you to even touch my wardrobe and see what happens ! "

Another cute guy said glaring at him with his cat like piercing eyes.

" Hyung, only you are close to my size, just please let me borrow for today, big deal ? "

The smaller guy whined.

He was getting late and his brother wasn't ready to cooperate with him. An idea striked in his mind.

" I am asking you for the last time hyung, are you gonna let me borrow it ? Or shall I just call Eomma ? "

The smaller guy said crossing his arms and tapping his feet, now daring him to say NO !

" Let him borrow it hyung, otherwise this little Mochi will call his Eomma as he can't defend himself; too short to argue with anyone ! "

A bit taller one said teasing his younger brother and started laughing but shrieked in pain when, felt his ear being pulled and twisted hard.

" I dare you to say it one more time, you brat ! "

A sweet but authoritative voice was heard in the room and everyone got alert not wanting to be the next one in queue.

" Eomma, Hobi hyung always tease me for my short height and Yoongi hyung just won't let me borrow his shirt for today only ! Please tell them to behave. They always bully me for being short and you don't say anything to them ! "

Mochi whined and complained to his Eomma.

" Don't you dare play the victim card here Jimin-ah, I know you aren't. Just because you have an innocent looking face, doesn't mean you are one ! And I am your Eomma, I know you very well. You too are a brat ! "

In-ah said pinching her cute Mochi's cheek.

" Eomma, at least let go of my ear. You are gonna pull it out someday ! "

The poor boy pleaded his mother.

" Ok, ok fine ! Yoongi, let him borrow your shirt for today and Hobi stop teasing him about his height. You aren't way too taller than him to tease him for that ! "

In-ah said asking her sons to behave.

She can't believe she have to ask her sons who are in their mid 20s to behave, just like she had to when, they were kids !

" In that case, we can definitely tease him Eomma ! "

Her eldest son walked in the room, looking just like a male lead from a Kdrama ! So, dreamy. So, handsome.

Followed by his younger brother, who was a bit taller and well built than him.
He was looking handsome too but the dimples on his cheeks making him fall in the cute criteria as well !

" Yes Eomma, we can definitely call him a shorty ! "

The younger one said smiling with his dimples on display.

" Eomma ! "

Mochi whined like a baby not liking all of his elder brothers ganging up against him.

He missed his twin at such moments so much. The youngest was his soul mate and best friend along with being his twin !

" Stop teasing him ! For god's sake, grow up guys ! Jinnie, you are the eldest, at least you behave. And now you have got Namjoon too on your side ! "

In-ah said rolling her eyes. She was fade up with her son's everyday dramas.

At such times, she expected the love of her life and the father of these brats would ask them to behave but, he was a child himself and In-ah cursed herself for not discovering his that side before marrying that big baby !

" Eomma, you know I don't like sharing my clothes; especially with him ! Because he's gonna drench them with his sweat while dancing ! "

Yoongi said grimacing at the thought.

" Yoongi... "

In-ah tried to say something but Yoongi didn't let her.

" He earns very well Eomma then, why the hell does he steals my clothes ? "

Yoongi whined now.

He didn't liked doing things he didn't wanted just because he was the elder one !

And he hated waking up early and that Mochi not only woke up him early but was ready to steal his cloths, pissing him off even more.

" The happiness of stealing clothes of elder brother can't be found in the branded clothes, Yoongi my child ! "

Min-kyu said entering the room after listening his kids fighting over stupid fucking clothes.

" Good morning, Jagiya ! "

Min-kyu said kissing In-ah's forehead lovingly and she kissed his cheek.

" But Appa... "

Yoongi tried to protest but Min-kyu took Jimin to Yoongi's room and let him have whichever shirt he liked.

Yoongi made a mental note to either give the shirt to Jimin forever or throw it away ! He wasn't ever gonna wear that sweaty shirt even after washing it !

This is the usual scene in the Kim's home almost everyday. Well, this is better now days, as they have moved out of their family home.

The guys bicker but on such silly topics now rather than, the money thing and their parents were happy about it; even though they were fade up of stopping them from having such silly fights !

Min-kyu and In-ah had never experienced such happy moments in that home neither with Min-kyu's brothers nor with their own kids !

Only fights and curses were heard among siblings along with the cousins ! And Min-kyu is glad his wife suggested moving out and he obliged. He is so happy.

Everything is fine, now he is just in desperate need of a person who'd agree to marry all of his sons !

He is getting eager with each passing day as he keeps listening about his youngest son's affair rumors with each and every other artist he collaborates with !

He doesn't know among them, how many are rumors and how many are true ! This was the exact reason he didn't wanted to let him go far away from his family !

" You useless bastard ! Can't you do a single fucking thing properly in your life ? Is this why we are wasting our money on you ? "

The loud and annoying voice broke Min-kyu's chain of thoughts.

Everyone sighed and shook their heads at the daily drama and screaming from the Jeon's house.

Min-kyu and In-ah's heart broke at the thought of how much the poor kid have to face without any reason.

But they always find a way to cheer Jungkook as they could, without getting caught by his parents; not wanting to dig the kid's grave !


Jungkook is soon gonna meet the guys, stay tuned.

Please ignore my mistakes ❤️

That's all for this chapter see you soon with the next one 💜💜

Till then take care and bye bye 👋

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