49. Sizzling Hot

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Taehyung slowly went closer to the singing boy infront of him.

"... You wrap around me and you give me life. And that's why night after night, I'll be loving you right, seven days a week.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... "

" This song has another explicit version, you heard that yet ? "

Taehyung whispered in Kook's ear grabbing him by his waist, from behind.
Kook yelped at the sudden touch but Tae held him in place.

Kook's heart beat fastened at their closeness. He have never felt Tae so close to him and here he was standing so close.

His chest pressed against Kook's back. His breath fanning over his ear. His body feeling so warm against his. Kook's lips quivered in anticipation.

" No... "

[ AN: I know what you gonna say but... he he ]

Kook barely whispered with his eyes closed, loving the way Taehyung was smelling magnetic and how good he was feeling pressed against Kook's back.

Taehyung let his index and middle finger walk along his bare peeking out soft tummy from right side to left and squeezed a bit at the end and let his right hand wrapped around his tummy.

Kook shivered at the intimate touch and closed his eyes, biting his lips not to moan out at the desired tingles he felt.

Taehyung paused the song on the system and sang in his deep voice in his ear.

" You wrap around me and you give me life.
And that's why night after night, I'll be FUCKING you right, seven days a week. "

Taehyung stopped singing and nibbled on his earlobe softly.

" Can I ? "

Taehyung growled in need in a low voice in his ear, making Kook tremble in his hold.

Kook let his head rest on his chest breathing heavily, arms grabbing on Tae's arms over his waist to support himself so that, he won't fall because his knees had gave up !

His throat too dry to say anything and so he turned his head to side, silently asking Taehyung to go on and leaned more on him.

Kook put his weight completely on him, letting himself loose in the moment and embraced the desire he was having for a long time now !

Kook haven't made love with any of his husbands before their marriage but with Taehyung... it was different !

He was way too attracted towards Taehyung !

It wasn't like he wasn't attracted to the others; but while seducing him in the past few days, it had increased multiple times !

There was something about him that pulled Kook to him without any thread.

His eyes so innocent yet intimidating. His face so cute yet handsome.
His voice cute like a baby yet deep like Daddy !

His presence screamed dominance and Kook was dying to submit to that dominance; but Taehyung wasn't ready to acknowledge him and now that he is, how can Kook back out ?

Taehyung slowly turned Kook around and wrapping his arms around his tiny waist he pulled Kook closer to him with a jerk and Kook bumped onto his chest and gasped, placing his palms against his hard chest.

Taehyung pushed Kook's hair off his forehead with his fingers and dragged them along his face tracing it slowly, looking into his eyes admiring the beauty in his arms, upclose.

💜💜 The Flower Of Aphrodite 💜💜 BTS× KOOK 🔞🔞🔞Where stories live. Discover now