Chapter 6: We're heading out.

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I broke the hug still crying and looked back at Andrea and Amy. Amy was covered in blood. Her eyes were closed.

"Oh Amy." Andrea was bawling.

"I remember, I remember my dream now. I remember why I was digging." Jim said.

I looked around camp and all I saw was blood and dead bodies. I had walker guts and blood all over my face, hands, and clothes.


it was morning and Andrea was still at Amy's body. The guys were burning the walkers and burying the people we knew.

I had changed clothes and Carol was cleaning my blood covered face with a rag.

"Andrea's been there all night. We can't leave Amy there." Shane said.

"I'll talk to her. I was the last person she saw before the Walker got Amy." I told them getting up and thanking Carol.

I walked over to Andrea. "Andrea?"

"It's your fault." She mumbled.

"What?" I whispered trying to catch what she said.

"It's all your fault! You were too slow!" She yelled taking me by surprise.

"Andrea I did what I could. I couldn't run that fast. I tried to save her." I tried to stay calm and collected.

"Well how far did 'trying' get you. You were obviously too late! You couldn't save her!" She was still yelling at me.

"It wasn't my fault Andrea." I told her sternly holding back tears.

"That's probably why your mother died! Because you couldn't save her!" She passed the line. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran away crying.

"(Y/N)" Carl tried grabbing my arm but I pushed away and ran to our tent.

I had tears running down my face. I heard the ground crunching from footsteps. I didn't look up from my head being in my hands.

"You okay?" Gabby asked as I could feel her sitting next to me.

I heard more footsteps and I assumed it was Carl. He had sat next to me on the other side.

"It wasn't your fault you know that right? She's not really mad at you. She's just angry from losing her sister. " Gabrielle told me.

"I know but it just seems like it's my fault. It was my fault that we lost our mother and what she said broke me cause it was true." I told her picking my head up and wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You know, there will be times that it feels that way but you can't let them bring you down especially since the world is like this now." Carl said making me feel better.

"Thanks guys." I sniffled and smiled.

"Jim's bit! A walker got him!" I heard Jaqui yell. We all looked at each other and ran out of the tent to the main part of camp.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim said worried as T-Dog was holding Jim's arms behind his back and Daryl lifted up his shirt revealing a bite on his side.

They let go of him and everybody stared at Jim in awe.

"Oh my gosh." I happened to slip words out.

"I'm okay." Jim was in panic.


Us four kids were sitting on tree stumps while Jim was sitting by the RV and the others were arguing about Jim. Rick was saying something about going to CDC and an army base in Fort Benning. I was all for it although a kid doesn't really get a say in this.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Sophia asked us.

"Well seeing that this "disease" is contagious, he might turn. Its either that or he is going to die." I knew he probably wouldn't live through it. Amy didn't anyway.

We were silent. Suddenly Daryl tries to swing at Jim's head with a picaxe until Rick hold's a gun to the back of his head.

"We do not kill the living."

"Says the man who holds a gun to my head." Daryl threw the picaxe to the ground and walked away.

"Where are you taking me?" Jim asked still panicked.

"Somewhere safe." Rick replied.


Amy had already turned. Andreas still mad at me for Amy getting bit. Jim was in the RV resting but he isn't doing to well.

Me, Gabrielle, and Carl were playing in the woods. Gabby was counting and me and Carl were hiding. Carl went behind a log and laid on the ground. I had went a bit further until I hear walking. I hide behind a tree and peek my head out and see Shane pointing his gun at something, that something was Rick. I'm about to step out and stop him until I see Dale and I hide back behind the tree.

Dale stands there shocked and Shane chuckles a bit. I peek my head out again.

"We're going to have to where some reflective vests out here."

My mouth speaks without me knowing. "Bull crap."

They both look back at me. My eyes widen and I book it back to camp.

I keep running. I look back and don't see anyone. When I look back in front of me I bump into Gabby and Carl.

"Where were you? I couldn't find you anywhere." She asked looking around.

"And why are you so out of breath?" Carl asked me as I pant putting my hands on my knees.

"Oh, just thought I saw something. That's all." I couldn't start another fight between the adults. There are too many things to deal with already.

"Let's just get back to camp."


We were all having a group meeting at the unlit campfire. Me, Dale, and Shane would exchange glances every once in a while.

"Look I've been thinking about Rick's plan. We're moving out and going to CDC." Shane said looking at me. I looked at Rick just to avoid eye contact.

We were all split into small groups to take each car except for the red,stripped down, sports car. Rick was going to put a map on it for the people who saved him so they could follow our trail. We were with Carl, Lori, and Rick.

"Those of you who have C.B's we'll be on channel 40. Now if your having any trouble you'll honk the horn one time to alert the rest of us. Any question?" Shane finished.

"We're uh, we're not going." Morales told the group.

"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people." Miranda finished for Morales.

"You go on your own you won't have anyone to watch your back" Shane told them.

"We'll take the chance. I gotta do what's best for my family." Morales said.

"You sure?" Rick asked him.

"We talked about it. We're sure." He told us.

"All right." Rick said handing him a gun and Shane handing him amo.

Everybody was hugging and slightly crying to lose them. I was sad that they were leaving but it mean it's less people to drag us down.

"Come on let's go! Let's move out." Shane said as everybody got in there vehicles.

This is it. Hopefully CDC is safe.

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