Chapter 13: Hershel's Farm

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Yeah I changed the cover again. I just felt the other one had too many things going on. Other than that I just want to tell you guys that I love you guys for all the support you give me. all the comments you leave just bring a smile to my face thank you <3

I slowly open my eyes and wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom. I sat up and looked around. 'Where am I and what happened? Was the apocalypse all a dream? Are Kiara, Sophia, Carl not real? Well if it was a dream where's Gabby?' I felt a small sharp pain in my head. I winced and rested my forehead on the heel of my hand. I got up and wobbled trying to get my balance and walked to the door of the room. I slowly turned the knob and peeked my head out and saw Shane and Rick sitting at a table. I smiled knowing this wasn't a dream and the group, Kiara and Carl are still here. My smiled turned into a frown as I remembered Carl getting shot. I run up to Rick.

"Where's Carl?" I asked worriedly

"Rick. We need you." A girl with short brown hair opened a door to a room and called Rick. Him and Shane went in. As I was about to go in the door closes.

I took a deep breath and put my hands on my head. My fingers intertwined with my hair. 'What even happened? All I know is that there was a deer and a gunshot then both the deer and Carl fell.' I sit in a chair with my head in my hands and my elbows on the table. Suddenly I hear Carl screaming. I felt my heart beating out of my chest. Tears wetting my face. Then the screaming stops.


Its been a while since Rick and Shane went in the room. I was still sitting, just staring down at the wood table. The girl with short hair and a bald man were sitting in the living room on the couch. She said her name was Maggie. She tried asking me if I was alright but I didn't answer her, just stared at the table.

Rick and Shane walk out and look at me.

"So?... Will he be alright?" My voice cracking as I ask them.

"He's stable for now." Shane told us leaning against the wall.

I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks.

"Why'd we even go? If me and Carl wouldn't have gone, Shane would've just shot the deer and everyone would be fine." I thought out loud not noticing they were listening.

An older man with white hair walked out of the room and I stood up.

"He's out of danger for the moment. But I need to remove those remaining fragments." He said to Rick.

"How? You saw how he was." Rick told him.

"I know and that was the shallowest one. I need to dig deeper to get the others. But there's more...his belly's distended, his pressure's dropping which means there's internal bleeding. A piece of the bullet must've nicked one of the vessels. I have to open him up and stitch it. He can't move while I'm doing it I mean at all. If he does I'll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. To even try this I'll need more surgical supplies." He told everyone.

"But the nearest hospital has already been stripped clean of any supplies...the high school." The man that was in the living room stepped forward and told us.

"That's what I was thinking." The man talking to Rick said. 'I really need to learn these names.'

"The place was overrun last time I was there. Maybe it's better now." The bald man told him.

"I'll go." Shane spoke up from the back.

"I volunteer also. This was my fault, I should help. I'll take you there." The bald guy told Shane.

"Otis, you're not going." A woman from inside the room said to him.

"Patricia, I'm responsible for this. I'm not going to let him go alone. It'll be alright."

"Where is she, your wife? I'll go get her." Maggie asked Rick.


Maggie had left to find Lori and we were heading outside to see 'Otis' and Shane go.
I had learned that the 'doctor's' name is Hershel and Maggie and a girl named Beth were his daughters. We watched Shane and Otis leave and we headed inside.


Gabrielle's POV (what?!...yep)

We had been walking for a while now. (Y/N), Carl, Rick, and Shane still haven't caught up with us. I'm starting to worry just a bit.

"You think (Y/N) and Carl have a thing for each other?" I asked Kiara smirking.

"There is no doubt in my mind." She laughed.

"She'd probably be-" I got cut off by someone screaming and noticed Andrea wasn't with us.

We ran through a group of trees and found her laying on the ground with a walker trying to get to her. She was trying to kick it with her feet but that did nothing. Before we got to her we see someone on a horse hit the Walker with a bat.

"Lori? Lori grimes?" The girl on the horse sounded worried.

"I'm Lori." She answered.

"Rick sent me. You gotta come now!"

"What?" Lori asked her.

"There's been an accident Carl's been shot. He's alive but you have to come now."

I looked at Kiara with worry.

"What about my sister? Where is she?" I ask her.

"There was a girl there your age. If it was her, she's fine. We have to go."

Lori got on the horse and Maggie told us that Rick said we had to get back to the highway and get to the farm just a few miles from there. She said the mailbox name was Greene and they rode off. I had no clue what was going on but I do know I'm terrified right now.


(Y/N)'s POV

I quietly opened the door to the room Carl was in. He laid there shirtless with a bloody bandage on his side. I walked in and closed the door. I sat on the stool beside the bed and I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I quietly spoke out loud.

"Why?...Why did this happen?" I sighed and put my head in my hands.

I hear the door open and I keep my head in my hands. I hear them say Carl's name and I knew it was Lori. At this point I couldn't help but cry. Like crying would make it all better. In this world I don't know what would.

Yay early chapter. Though it's sad. ;-; I wanted to ask you guys if you want me to list the songs I listen to while I write my chapters. Some songs are sad and you will hear them again in a later chapter because yeah. so tell me if you want me to list the songs so you can listen to them while you read. I'll write them in the next chapter if you do. :p

Is Love Really Worth Dying For? -Carl x Reader-On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara