Chapter 46: The First Prison War

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Okay so! First of all, this was suppose to go up yesterday but I fell asleep writing it. Second, I want to give a shout out to WalkerComics for all the votes and AmandaRiggs11 for adding my story to like four of her reading lists. Thanks :3. Third, We are so close to 8k reads and soon, it'll be 1M and I can't thank you guys enough so thank you. Fourth, I have set myself a goal; Updating a longer chapter every day for AT LEAST a week (or over the time that I'm off of school).if I can do that I'm making a promise to you guys. I'll update way more frequently as in every other day. I know you guys say "oh, no take all the time you need" or "don't worry don't stress yourself" but I feel like me updating is like a thank you gift for you guys reading, voting, and just supporting me all the way through this book. So thank you. Last but not least (HUGE SPOILER IF YOURE NOT CAUGHT UP) GLENN's ALIVEEEEEE!!!!!!

You may read on :)


After we found out the governor was coming we had started preparing. Starting by getting the walkers out of the yard.

"I bet I can kill more than you!" Gwyn challenged me stabbing a walkers head through the fence.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna herd up and kill 40 of them." I argue back as I stab another and see it fall to the ground.

"Already got 9!" Gwyn yelled to me.

"Hey we didn't say start yet!" I told her.

"You guys sound like 8 year olds." Carl chuckled as he, also, stabbed a walker through the fence.

After a few seconds of us not talking he yells "17!"

"What!? Hey!" I yelled and laughed, Gwyn and Carl joining me.


"Guys! We're done for today." Maggie yells to us as she starts walking back up to the prison.

"Just a few more!" I yell to her killing another Walker.

I here her laugh over the groans in front of me. "Alright but don't stay out too late."

"Sure thing!" Gwyn answered her.

One after another we had killed so many walkers making sure to keep count. It wasn't suppose to be fun killing them but every competition is fun.


We had gone to every side of the prison in the gated area just killing them again and again until I stabbed a walkers head killing the last one. I had exhaled harshly and sat on the ground against the fence behind me.

"It's really late." I told them looking at the dark sky. "The one thing Maggie didn't want us doing." I laughed and they agreed.

"So how many?" Carl asked us with a smug look on his face.

"I killed 41." Gwyn answered.

"Ha! I got 54! Woo!" I got up and started running with my hands in the air and jumping around as Gwyn and Carl laughed at my foolishness.

"63!" I heard Carl yell out.

"Aw come on!" I stopped my victory dancing and slumped my shoulders. "Way to ruin my fun." I walked back to them as Carl put an arm around me, kissed my head and we started walking back to the prison.


It was the next morning and we were packing up. Rick had told us that the governor wanted Michonne and he thought about doing it but changed his mind but Merle took her. Daryl said when he found Merle that he was dead and let Michonne go. So we were moving out of the prison only we weren't exactly moving out.

I didn't have much to pack so I finished early and went to help Carl. I sat next to him on the cell bed. He pulled out the badge from his hat, looked at it for a few seconds and went to pin it on my shirt.

"Ow!" The pin poked me.

"Sorry." He chuckled.

He sat back and looked at me with his finger on his chin before grabbing his hat from the top bunk and placing it on my head, making me laugh, which made him smile. We both grabbed our bags and walked out putting our bags in the trunk of the car.


Hershel, Beth, Carl and I were in the woods outside from the prison's grounds as we heard gunfire and explosions. Gwyn had Judith in the truck that we covered in leaves and vines so it couldn't be spotted from far away.

We had heard running footsteps getting closer and closer. Carl and I jumped out from behind the truck and pointed our guns at who approached us. Which happened to be some kid with a beanie who looked around 15-16 who I assumed was running from the madness.

"Put the gun down." I ordered.

"Alright, alright. Here, take it." He slowly started handing the shot gun to Carl not taking his fearful eyes off from us.

Without a second of thought Carl shot him sending his body to the ground. I looked up at Carl with my mouth slightly parted. He didn't seem affected by what he's just done with his eyes glued to the kid's body.


We had brought everything back after Glenn and Maggie came to tell us they drew the others out and that it was safe to come back.

"I took out one of the governors soldiers." I hear cake tell his father has I walk in with Gwyn, Beth, and Judith.

"He drew on us." He continued.

"I'm sorry you had to do that." Rick told him.

"I was just protecting (Y/N) and the others." Carl told him and walked to our cell to put the bags away after he grabbed mine from my hand.

"That kid was scared. He was handing over the gun." Hershel said to Rick.

"He said he drew on you guys." Rick stated.

"I was there he didn't have to shoot." Hershel told him.

"Maybe it looked like that to you but he said-"

"Rick." I cut him off. "Although he was trying to protect us, the kid tried handing over the gun and carl still shot him."

He put his middle finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose and sighed.


I had given Carl his had back before Rick talked to him about the kid. Michonne, Daryl, and him went to go find and kill my father. And at this point I didn't know if Gabrielle was with him or even alive.

When they got back they got brought with them one extra vehicle; a bus. Woman and children were guided out by Tyreese and Sasha, the newcomers that had found their way into the prison last time.

"What is this?" Carl asked Rick.

"They're going to be joining us."

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