Chapter 32: She's changed

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I was so bored in here. I just kept throwing a rock I had found into the air and catching it. I'd probably been in her for an hour. I started hearing gunshots. I tossed the rock across the room and started thinking. I needed a plan for when they came in here. My dad wouldn't just let me starve in here, would he? I paced back and forth until I realized I still had my knife. Okay? So when his men come in here, whenever that may be, I can try to escape and if they get ahold of me I have my knife. It wasn't the best plan but it was as good as any at this point. Just as I think of my spam I start to hear the door lock rattle. I take out my knife and hold it up. The door swings open an I see Rick, Daryl, Oscar, some lady and Glenn and Maggie. Glenn had a black eye and blood all over his face. I was shocked they found me. I ran up to Rick and hugged him.

"We need to find your sister." He said.

"No we don't." They looked at me confused. "She's a waist of our time." I told them sternly.

With that we started running out. Daryl handed me a hand gun as we kept low, running through the streets. We bust through the closest door and let Glenn rest a bit seeing as he was hurt.

"Where'd that woman go?" I asked them looking around.

"She was right behind us."Rick told me.

"Want me to go find her?" Oscar ask him.

"No we have to get Glenn out of here she's on her own." Rick responded.

"Daryl, this was Merle." Glenn told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked almost in disbelief.

"We saw him face to face."Maggie responded.

"He's the governor of this place?" Daryl asked.

"No..." I looked at the ground. "My father is."

They looked at me shocked. "He tried to convince me and Gabby to join him. I refused, Gabrielle gave in, I tried to run and leave, they locked me in, and now they're both enemies." I told them.

"Well then how do we know you're not working for him? Acting as if you were on our side but you were really on theirs." Oscar asked me.

I gave him a 'did you really just ask that' look.

"I just found out he was alive. If I was working with him he wouldn't have locked me in a shed."

"Good point." Was his response.

"They're gonna be looking for us." Maggie said worried.

"We have to get back. Can you walk?" Rick asked Glenn. "We have a car a few miles out."

"I'm alright." Glenn answered getting up with Maggie's help.

"If my brother's here I need to see him." Daryl said.

"We can't now. We're in enemy's territory." I told him.

"He's my brother I have to see him."

"Do you see what he did to Glenn? If we get caught that's going to happen to all of us and we won't be able to get back to the prison." I knew the feeling of not seeing your sibling but we can't risk it.


"On three... 1..2..3." I opened the door and Daryl pulled the pin on a smoke bomb and threw it out on the street.

"Let's go!" Rick whisper yelled and went out the door we followed staying low, guns and weapons ready.

"There they are!" A guy on top of the barrier yelled and everyone started shooting at us. We shot back.

I shot at a guy a few times who was shooting at me and got him in the shoulder pushing him off the barrier on to the other side.

"Over here!" I heard Rick yell. I look back and we all regroup in a small alleyway.

"How many are there?!" Rick asked us.

"I couldn't see!" I answered.

"Doesn't matter. There could be more of them! We need to move!" Daryl told us reloading his gun.

"We gotta head for the wall! Let's go!" Daryl told us as he pulled another pin and threw the smoke bomb.

As I was running I looked back and saw Gabrielle firing. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Gabrielle!" Her face wasn't the same Gabby I lived with for 13 years. She used to be sweet, and shy but outgoing at the same time. Now she was cold. It was like she didn't care. "Gabrielle! We can work something out!" I yelled to her. She shot her gun at me. I jumped out of the way and dodged the bullet. I looked back at her with fear in my eyes and she looked at me with no regret in hers.

"We have to go!" My shoulder gets tugged and I run back with the small group.

Just a few months ago she couldn't even fire a gun without hesitation at a walker but now she can shoot just fine at me. She's changed.

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