Chapter 42: "I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

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We approached the open door of the building the man came out of. Rick explained that the man, that's still unconscious, was the man that helped Rick find Carl and Lori back in Atlanta. He said his name was Morgan.

As Rick was about to step inside I put my arm in front of him signaling him to stop. I bent down and lifted the 'Welcome' mat revealing metal spikes in the ground.

"I'd keep a sharp eye for boobytraps. He's bean creative so far. There's bound to be more." I told them.


Rick and Michonne struggled carrying Morgan inside. I stayed in front looking for and traps with Carl keeping watch behind all of us. We made it three fourths of the way up the stairs when I saw something reflecting light on a step. It was a wire. I stepped over it.

"Watch the wire." I told the others.

At the top of the steps there was a sheet that read "Not shitting you" probably a continuous of the "turn back and survive" note on the street. I slowly pulled the sheet away revealing a bloody ax propped up waiting to kill whomever moved that wire. I walked into the room and lowered my gun in awe. There were guns, ammunition, food everywhere. Also writing all over the walls but the word 'CLEAR' seemed to be written dozens of times.

"The cot." Rick told Michonne and placed Morgan onto it.

Me and Carl both started packing all the ammo and guns we could carry. Soon enough Michonne joined in.

"No." Rick said about a minute later. "We're gonna wait for him to wake up. Make sure he's okay."

"He tried to kill us." I told him.

"He didn't know who we were. He told us to go." He replied.

"He tried to kill us and we didn't leave him for the walkers. He's had a nice day. Plus he doesn't need half the guns he has." Michonne argued.

"We're waiting for him to wake up." Rick said sternly and grabbed zip ties, zip tying Morgan's hand to the cot as Michonne grabbed food from a shelf.

"So now we're eating his food?" Rick asked Michonne as she was taking a bite of what looked like a protein bar.

"The mat said welcome." She replied.

I followed Carl to the other room. The first thing I saw was a map drawn out with chalk on the wall. As Carl was walking to another room I grabbed his arm and pointed to the map. He looked at it for a few seconds before speaking.

"It's our neighborhood."

I scanned the streets when I saw the words "Ricks House, Taken, Burnt Out" With the word 'Taken' crossed out.

"Carl..." I pointed to 'his house' on the map.

"It's gone." He said.

Carl sighed and began to speak again.
"I'm going on a run."

"I'll go with you." I told him.

His tone turned soft when he spoke to me. "No, I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"Carl." I understood he wanted to keep me safe but I don't think he realizes that I care for him just as much as he cares for me.

"I just want to get a crib for Judith. Mom would always go to the baby place around the corner to help Sarah." He told the three of us.

"I don't think going alone is a great idea." Rick told him.

"Dad, it's just around the corner. There are Walker traps."

"You'll need help carrying the box." Michonne told him.

He looked at her blankly for a few seconds.

"You said you wanted to get a crib. In a box or not, it'll be heavy. You'll need help carrying it...that is what you're going for right?" Michonne asked him.

"That's what I said." Carl answered.

"Okay, but if anything happens you holler I'll be able to hear you from here." Rick told him.

Carl walked out of the room and started heading down the stairs. I tapped Michonne's shoulder and motioned for her to follow. We walked down the stairs and out of the building following Carl.

"I didn't want you to come with me (Y/N), and I don't need you to come with me." He said gesturing towards Michonne.

"Carl, you tell me you want to keep me safe, but what about me? I don't want you getting hurt either." I told him catching up with him.

He stayed silent.

I heard low growls and looked up to see a walker stuck in the rope.

"I got it." Michonne said pulling out her katana and walking towards it.

Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

"What are you doing Carl. We can't leave her." I told him as we turned a corner.

We stopped and I looked in Michonne's direction and saw her stabbing her sword through the walkers head. I looked back and saw Carl walking forward.

"Carl, You just past the baby place." I told him as Michonne walked up behind me.

"I have to get Judith something else first." He said without turning around.

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