Chapter 33: They're enemies now

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"Go! Over the wall!" Rick yelled as him and Daryl covered us.

Oscar climbed up on the nose of a bus they used for a barrier and started helping me, Maggie, and Glenn up. He helped Glenn on the top of the bus first since he was injured. As he pushed him up someone shot him in his chest causing him to fall on the ground.

"Oscar!" I yelled. Maggie was yelling at Rick who was staring at a dead persons body and Glenn was yelling at us to climb on the bus. Oscar was passed out there was no chance of him living. I shot him in his forehead so he wouldn't turn and started climbing on the bus after Maggie.

"Rick! We have to go!" I yelled to him as Maggie helped me on the top.

Carl's POV

We found this woman at the fence earlier today. She was injured and had the baby formula that (Y/N) and the others were supposed to come back with. When Hershel was fixing her leg up she told us that they were taken. She said she knew where they went. Her my dad, Daryl and Oscar went to go find them and ever since then I've been terrified I was going to loose (Y/N).

Finally got Judith to sleep." Hershel said walking in. I was sitting on the stairs, staring at the ground and didn't respond. "We'll have to get her some more formula by the end of the week."

"(Y/N), your dad, and the others will be back by then." Beth tells me placing her hand on my back.

"We don't know that." I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. "Judith is the only family I have right now."

Gabrielle's POV

After my father had told me that the group couldn't keep us safe I felt he was right. Only... Woodbury had intruders that night. I had a small feeling it was Rick and the group. My dad went out to handle the problem and told me to stay in the house.

I hear a door slam open from downstairs. I unholster my gun and put it up as I walk slowly down the wood steps. The door to the Walker tank room was open. I peeked in for a second and didn't see anyone except for the cage door had been unlocked and opened. I chickened out. I slowly walked back up the stairs, went into an empty room and locked the door. I had to get out. It was a good thing there was a window in that room. I opened it and stepped out onto the roof ledge. I look in the streets and everyone was either running to their homes, shooting at the intruders or dying. The fire illuminated the streets since it was dark. I look around for a place to get down from. There was a tree branch a bit away but if I jumped and grabbed onto it, without failing miserably, I'd make it down safe. And so I did. I jumped grabbing the branch. I slowly sort of 'monkey bar' my way to the trunk of the tree and grab on. I try slowly climbing down until someone try's shooting me. They hit the tree next to my hand making me jump and I slide down the tree. I landed on the ground safely. Luckily. I started running. Had no idea where but I ran. I stopped as I see (Y/N) and the group running for the wall. I start firing. Not aiming at someone specifically. Just in their direction. (Y/N) looks back and stops running when she notices me.

'Gabrielle!' I read her lips not hearing her over the gunshots and screams around me. She starts saying something that I can't read. I thought for a split second and without hesitation I shoot. She jumps out of the way making the bullet hit the ground behind her. I try shooting again but my gun clicks. 'Damn it' i thought fixing the jam in my gun. (Y/N) was on her own if she didn't want to stay with us it told me she didn't care. Her and the group are enemies now. They can't be trusted. She looked at me terrified. I can only faintly see her now cause the smoke. Rick grabs her shoulder and pulls her back with the group. They run and I loose sight of them in the smoke. I decide to run back to the house. When I open the door I immediately notice water on the floor coming from the Walker tank room. I slowly walk to the door.

"Dad?" My eyes widen as look into the room. I see the tanks shattered on the ground. Walker heads everywhere. My father is holding my mothers dead...dead body crying with a shard of glass in his eye. And the thing that surprised me the most...


Okay so this chapter was mainly focused on Gabrielle's POV but you know every villain has to have their moment. Just like the governor did in the show. But anyway, I'm getting more and more excited to right the big chapter that's coming up soon we'll not soon. It may be like 10 more chapters but yeah. :p

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