Chapter 47: The infection

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Happy thanksgiving :3 That's all I have to say you may read.


I slowly open my eyes and see Carl asleep next to me. I sit up and stretch.

It's been about a month since Woodbury's people came. Rick said that the governor nor my sister was there. But so far we had a whole farm set up. Vegetables, pigs, a horse.

I get up just to be immediately pulled back down by Carl.

"Carl." I whined.

"What?" He asked with his eyes still closed and in his morning voice.

"You know what." I tell him.

"No I don't." He says with a smile.

"Fine I'll take your hat." I tell him.

"Ok." He said, eyes still closed.

"Ugh. Carl."

I think for a minute and I know exactly what to do.

"Stop!" Carl yelled through his laughs as I tickled him.

"Let me go and I'll stop." I smile.

"Fine!" He let go and I stop letting him catch his breath. Suddenly I burst out into a fit of laughter as he starts to tickle me.

"No! Carl- please- stop" I say laughing between each word.

Before I knew it I had kicked his stomach sending him to the floor making a loud bang.

"I'm so sorry, Carl." I told him worried.

He laughed. "I'm fine don't worry." He got up.

"What happened?!" Gwyn ran to the doorway and laughed as soon as she caught on to what happened.

"You guys are crazy." She said as she walked away.

He walked to the doorway motioning me to follow.


We see Rick in the garden and walk up to him.

"Violet's not doing so well." I tell Carl.

"She's not a piglet anymore they're food, guys." Rick told us.

"We know." Carl said.

"You know you guys should go to story time today." Rick said as he leaned on the gate to the pig pin.

"But that's for kids dad." Carl told him.

"Exactly." He said as he walked towards the prison.


We had went to go see what the kids were yelling at by the fence. Patrick had come with us.

"Hey nick! Over here." One of the kids yelled.

"Your naming them?" Carl asked her.

"Well. One of them have a name tag so we thought they all should." Mica, who was about ten, told him.

"They're dead. When they were alive they had names. They eat people. They kill people." Carl told her.

"People kill people." Lizzie, Mica's older sister, told him.

"They aren't people and they're not pets. Don't name them." Carl told them sternly.

"Come on we're supposed to go read." Lizzie told her sister and the two other kids as they started walking back to the prison.

"Carl they're just kids." I tell him.

"I know I just don't think it's necessary to be naming walkers." He tells me.


We sneak into "story time" in the library where we hear Carol reading some book to the kids. After a man gets up and leaves she stops reading and pulls out a box of knives.

"Today I'm going to teach you about knives. How to be safe with them." Carol told them.

Me and Carl exchanged glances.

"May I be excused. I don't feel too well." Patrick asked Carol.

"Sometimes your going to have to fight through it."

"I just don't want to hurl on anybody."

"Alright you can go." She tells him.

We slowly start approaching the group.

"Today I'm going to teach you how to stab and where to aim-" she stops when she sees us.

"Please don't tell your father." She pleaded to Carl.

He walked out of the library.

"Don't worry." I told her and gave her a sympathetic look before walking out and following Carl.


Carl hasn't mentioned or said anything about the knives yet. It was late at night and everyone has gone to sleep already.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up." I tell him as I take off my gun and knife holster and place It on the side table. He nods.

I get to the showers and rinse my face. I hear a quiet rattling noise coming from one of the showers. I pick up my flashlight since I didn't have my weapons. I walk slowly toward the sound and hold up the flashlight and pull away the curtains revealing nothing. I sigh in relief. I turn around to be met by Patrick with blood coming from his eyes and mouth as he tries biting my face making me drop the flashlight and both of us fall to the ground.

"CARL!" I yell as loud as I can. "CARL!"

I hold him back from my face so the blood dripping from his face won't get on mine. I try reaching for the flashlight but I'm just a half an inch short.

I yell Carl's name even louder than before. "HELP! Grab my gun!" Ever since the incident with carl shooting the kid in the woods, Rick hasn't trusted Carl with a gun of his own.

I hear loud footsteps getting closer and suddenly Patrick's head bursts splattering blood on my face. Patrick's body was shoved off of me and Carl picks helps me up.

"Are you alright?" He asks worriedly. "Are you bit?" He says hugging me.

"No I'm fine." I say out of breath as Rick, Daryl, and a few others approach the door.

"What happened?" Rick asks.

"Patrick turned." I tell him.

We then hear faint screams and yells. "Walkers in block D!"

We all rush to cell block D running into Hershel Sasha and Carol. "What about C?" Rick asks them.

"It's clear. We blocked the entrances to C." Sasha answered as we made our way to cell block D.

"Carl!" Gwyn came in from outside. "Michonne needs help she's hurt."

"I can't leave (Y/N)." He says making my heart falter.

"I'll be okay, Carl. Don't worry."

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