Chapter 45: Break her heart and I'll break your spine.

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Just a small chapter. Hopefully it holds you guys until next weekend. And thanks SOOOOOOO MUH FOR 7.11k!!!!!

Carl's POV *Flashback* (Before the nightmare)

*We had started driving from the town and (Y/N) had already fallen asleep. I don't blame her though.

She was so beautiful. She started to stir a small bit and a tear rolled down her cheek. I was hoping the dream she was having wasn't too bad. I wiped it away and held her bridal style in my lap.

"Is she alright?" My father asked looking in the rear view mirror.

I looked at her again and she seemed just fine. "Yeah I think she's okay now."

A few minutes later she started stirring again. I held her closer and she relaxed for a moment.

"NOO!" She screamed out making me jump.

"(Y/N)?" Tears were coming from her eyes.

"Carl. Carl! Please say something." I kept trying to wake her up but it didn't do any good. I felt tears flooding my eyes.

"Carl. Wake her up." My father told me with a small bit of worry in his voice.

"I'm trying! (Y/N)!"

"Carl... Please. Don't die... I-I love you."

Those three words made more tears fall from my eyes.

"(Y/N)?" No response.

"(Y/N)!" Still nothing.

"(Y/N)!" This time her eyes shot open. She took a few glances of where we were and wrapped her arms around me.

"It's okay. It was only a dream." I whispered as I rested my chin on her head and sniffled.

"It all seemed s-so real." Tears started falling from her eyes again. "Gabrielle came and-and shot you. And you-"

"I know. You were talking in your sleep." I said and kissed the top of her head.

After a moment of silence I remembered what she said while she was asleep.

"And I love you too." I said and felt her smile while her head was on my chest. *

"Carl?" Gwyn came in the cell and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"(Y/N) told me what happened. About the dream. She used to have dreams like this back home before the world went to shit. Dreams that she said felt like she was living in it, breathing in it. I just want to tell you if she does have any more of those dreams, do whatever you can to wake her." She told me. "It looks like those dreams are like going through hell to her."

"She's had two dreams like this since I've known her. Both of me dying. Both ending in her waking up in tears." I told her remembering the one after the incident with Hershel's farm. (Chap. 23 -if you don't remember-)

"She really loves you, you know? I can see it in her eyes." She said as she sat down on the bunk bed next to me. "But I promise you, if you break her heart I'll break your spine."

"Gwyn. When did you become my mother?" (Y/N) joked as she walked in.

"Hey, someone has to protect you if he can't." Gwyn answered with her hands up in mock surrender as she walked out of the cell.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm fine now." She said sighing.

"(Y/N)! Carl! Come help." We heard Maggie from downstairs.

"Don't worry." I told her and kissed her forehead.


(Y/N)'s POV

"He wants the prison." Rick said lolling at everyone in the room. "We're going to war."

After we had gotten back, him, Daryl, and Hershel had went to talk to 'the governor'.

I remembered my dream. How he wanted to take the prison or he'll kill us. I exchanged glances with Gwyn since she was the only person I told my dream to. She had the same expression I had.

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