Chapter 36: He's coming

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There is so many things I want to say right now. First, thank you guys SOO much for 3k reads. Second, I'm getting more and more excited for season 6 of twd!!! Third, did anyone else hear the rumor that Andrew doesn't want to be on the show anymore?! It was debunked to be fake a bit ago but man I couldn't even imagine Twd without Rick. Fourth, I have changed the description of the story. It fits the title way better. It is a small bit of what's going to happen IN the story so remember it. There's a lot of things that will show up in later chapters that was at the beginning-ish of the story. I'm just rambling now... You may read. XD

It was the next morning and Rick had already went crazy and pulled his gun on the new comers and told them to leave. We were talking about 'Tyreese's' group, and the governor while Rick was in crazy land out in the prison yard. Glenn had drawn a quick map of the prison with chalk and asked Carl where they came in from.

"He thought he came through here." Carl told him pointing to a square resembling the back of the prison.

"Okay. So the whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in. Then it's like cake for a group of armed men." Glenn told everyone.

"How can we even be so sure he's going to attack." Beth asked.

"He had tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies." Michonne told her.

"He was very competitive before everything happened. He won't let us get away with coming into his town and hurting his people. I know how his mind works. He's not going to put it aside, he's coming." I told her.

"We should hit him now." Glenn said.

"What?" Beth asked him.

"He won't be expecting it. We can sneak back in and put a bullet in his head. I- I'm sorry (Y/N) but he's not-"

"I could care less about my father right now. He's an asshole." I cut Glenn off as I crossed my arms.

He nodded once. "You two know where his apartment is." He was talking to me and Michonne. "We could end this tonight. I'll do it myself."

Michonne nodded and I stood up.

"I'm not letting you leave again." Carl got up put his hands on my upper arms.

I sighed and sat back down.

"He didn't know you guys were coming last time. Look at you now. Daryl was captured. You and Maggie were almost executed." Hershel told Glenn.

"You can't stop me."Glenn told him.

"Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here, so did Lori. The men that were here. It isn't worth anymore killing. If he's really on his way we should just leave."

"And go where?"

"We survived on the road all winter."

"When you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying every 4 hours."

They kept arguing back and fourth until I cut them off.

"Guys! If you and Michonne go he'll have his men on you in an instant. And if we leave we'll have to keep moving with things slowing us down. None of us are leaving the prison. We'll defend this place." They took my word into consideration and a few of them nodded. Carl took my hand and smiled. I smiled back.


Glenn had gone to look at the back of the prison to find the way walkers are getting in and how Tyreese and his group got in. We were in the courtyard just sitting, waiting for our next task to make the prison safer. Rick is officially going crazy saying he saw Shane and Lori. Me, Carl, and Beth were sitting on the small bleachers while Axel and Carol were talking a few feet away, Hershel went to talk to Rick, Michonne was in the field just... whatever she was doing, and Maggie was inside feeding Judith.

"I can't believe Gabby would do that." Beth said quietly.

"I had the chance to kill her... But I couldn't do it. I knew it would eliminate one of our major threats next to my father but I loved her and I couldn't stand to see her go-"

I was cut off by a gunshot and Axel falling to the ground. We pulled out our guns. I look across the field and see a truck and my father standing beside it with a gun in his hand. Everybody started firing. One of his men started firing at Carol from the watch tower. She used Axel's body to shield her on the ground.

"Come on!" Carl yell to Me and Beth. I started shooting at the man in the tower as I ran to a wall to guard us from him. Then everything went quiet. Everyone stopped shooting. No one moved. Maggie came out with two guns.

"Beth here!" She gave her the gun and the shooting began again. The man started firing at her and she hid behind a metal box. "Carol go!" She yelled to her while shooting at the man.

Carol started running over to us. I handed her a gun while Carl shot at the man a few times then moved back behind the wall. Everyone went silent again as we hear a quiet truck engine. I look at the road and see a food truck drive right through the prison gates and into the yard. It sat still for a few moments then the back door slams down and opens. Walkers start flooding out and start heading for Hershel who was laying on the ground. Rick yelled for him to get out of there. I shot at the man in the tower a few times hitting his shoulder then his head making his body fall to the ground. My father and his men get back in the truck and drive off. Me, Maggie, Carl, Beth and Carol ran to open the gate to the yard and started firing at the walkers. I take my knife in my left hand and my gun in my right making a clink sound as my ring hit it. I stabbed a walker between his eyes and it fell. I start backing up counting how many walkers were following me. 4. Shouldn't be a problem. I keep backing up to make sure I have enough distance between them...then I hit the gate. They got closer and closer. Blocking my path to run in any direction. I picked one off and stabbed it's forehead. I turned around and they were much closer now I shot one and picked off another stabbing it making it fall to the ground. When I turned around the last Walker pushed me making both of us fall to the ground. I struggled pushing it off. I had to use both hands keeping it from taking a chunk out of my face. My only hope was to yell and wish someone hears me.

"Carl!" The walkers jaws kept chomping, getting so close to my nose. I turn my head to the side and squeeze my eyes shut. My arms were about to give out when I feel the Walker get pried off from me. I looked up and see Carl on top of it beating it's face in with the butt of his gun. Walker blood was getting everywhere.

"Carl." He kept violently hitting it even after it was dead. "Carl!" I pulled him off of it sending us both to the ground.

I pulled myself up with my elbows. And he stayed flat on the ground. His hands on his head, his eyes were shut as he sighed.


Daryl and Merle came back and just in time to save Rick. We kept Merle in the other room. While the adults were talking I asked Carl if I could talk to him. We went to our cell and he sat on the bed.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"What was what?" He asked me back.

"You freaking out on that Walker." I told him crossing my arms and sitting next to him. He sighed.

"I realized I haven't been there for you. When the prison got over run with walkers, when you, Maggie, Glenn, and Gabrielle got taken, just now in the prison yard. I feel like I'm not even trying to keep you safe."

"Carl. You're doing whatever you can to keep me safe. It's the decisions I make that get me into trouble."

He hugged me taking me by surprise at first. Then I hugged him back.

"I'm not letting you make those decisions anymore..." He said in a fake angry voice making me laugh.

He pulled away from the hug and kissed me. I put my head on his shoulder and smiled.

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