Chapter 28:Gain 1 Lose 3 and another missing

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Ok I'm in a really good mood today (idk why) and I wanted to give a shoutout to my silent readers! Even though I don't see your comments or you don't vote you're still there and I appreciate that you support me by reading :D ... Or you're just that person who doesn't give a crap about what I say and you're only here to read the story, but you're still getting thanks from me and there's no backing out of it! :D
Now you may read :3

I look up from looking at the prisoners body and see everyone staring at me shocked. I was a little surprised myself but this was a situation where someone had to act quickly and couldn't hesitate or someone would've died. Well other than the prisoner.

"It was either I let him kill Rick or I actually did something instead of sat here and watched." I told them sternly.

"Thanks." Was all Rick said.

"No problem." I smirked.

Rick walked up to a few levers and flipped them making the alarms turn off.

"Let's go." He said leading us out.


We walked through multiple hallways weapons raised. We almost turn a corner when we hear footsteps. The foot steps get closer and closer. I pull my knife out of my holster and get ready to stab whatever comes at us until Axel, the prisoner who was with Oscar, and Glenn walk around the corner. I sigh and lower my knife. We continue walking and around another corner we see two walkers eating the guts of a... human body. Daryl shoots one of them with his crossbow and the other turns around and tries getting up. I jab my knife in its skull and its rotten corpse falls to the ground. I look at the body, closer now, and realize it was T-Dog.

"Oh my god." My eyes filled with tears and my stomach tied up in knots until everything I had in my stomach came up and out. I wipe the side of my mouth. Next to an open door a little ways down was a piece of clothing but I couldn't make it out. Daryl went over and picked it up. Tears started pouring out of my eyes uncontrollably. In his hands was the thin scarf Gabby was wearing with a small bit of blood on it. I slid down the wall and sat in the ground bawling my eyes out.


After I had calmed down we went out that open door and made our way back to the courtyard to see Hershel and Beth still waiting.

"You didn't find them?" Hershel asked.

"We thought they may have come back out here." Glenn told him and they both shook their heads.

"What about T? And Carol?" Hershel asked.

"Gabrielle?" Beth asked quietly looking at me.

"T-Dog and Gabby didn't make it..." I choked with a straight face looking at the ground trying not to let my emotions flow.

"We don't know about Carol." Daryl spoke up.

"We need to find the others we're going back." Rick said. "Daryl and Glenn you go-"

He was interrupted by a faint crying noise. We look back where the noise was coming from, at the door that Maggie, Lori, and Carl went through. There, we see Maggie holding a baby in her arms and Carl behind her. They slowly walk out. Maggie with a sorry, worried expression and Carl with not really an expression at all.

"Carl!" Tears started coming from my eyes as I ran up to him and hugged him.

He didn't hug back. When I pulled away I looked up at him and it was like he saw right through me. His face had no emotion but his eyes were filled with sadness.

"Carl?" I asked softly and stepped back a bit.

"W-where is she?" Rick stuttered about to cry and Maggie started sobbing.

Carl was holding back tears looking at the ground. Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Oh no. No. No." Rick bent down to Carl's height to make sure what was be hinted at, was true and he started crying.

Lori was dead.

Sorry this was a shorter chapter but next chapter I'll make 1000 words+ for you guys :3

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