Chapter 49: I'm going to be okay

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Picture is of what you're currently wearing. Also thanks for 8k and 600 votes!! You may Read on.

"Have you told Maggie?" I asked Glenn we sat on the landing of the cell block stairs. Turned out him and Sasha caught the flu too.

"Yeah." He answered before coughing harshly.

"How'd she take it?"

"Well. I guess." He answered. "Did you tell Carl?"

"Yep." I sighed.

"How'd he take it?" He asked.

"Not well." I answered. "He slammed his fist against the wall...twice." I tell him. "I already tried telling him that it doesn't mean I'm going to die from it, but I don't think he was listening. He was probably just overwhelmed from the news."

"It's cause he loves you. And he doesn't like seeing you hurt." He tells me. "He wants to try his hardest to keep you safe."

I cough before answering. "I know and I don't like seeing him hurt either. I mean, I care about him just as much as he cares about me, maybe even more and, I've told him that before." I say as I wipe the sweat from my forehead.

"You know, sometimes us guys feel that we need to protect our partners even if they can already fight for themselves. When they are safe we feel safe." He says before coughing again.

"But, sometimes we won't ever be safe." I tell him before I hear Hershel.

"I've got something for you guys." He says coming up the stairs with two cups.

"Drink it. It's tea. It'll help the fever." He tells us handing us the cups.

"Thanks." I thank him and drink the tea as does Glenn.

We both finish the drinks before Glenn starts coughing. I take his cup from him and hand them both to Hershel just as he finishes coughing.


"I'm going to be okay." I told Carl from the other side of the window."Hershel is trying his best to keep us up until Daryl and the others get back with the meds."

"I'm staying right here until they get back." He tells me sitting down and crosses his arms making me laugh.

"Carl, your father said to keep everything alined in quarantine."

"I'm not leaving you." He says before I start feeling light headed. I started taking deep breaths hoping it would go away.

"Are you alright?" He asked immediately standing up.

"I'm fine." I breath out but start harshly coughing.

I remember falling, hearing Carl yelling and hearing gunshots before everything went black.


"Come on, (Y/N)." I hear somebody say.

I slowly open my eyes and see Hershel next to me and Carl in the doorway. As I open my eyes Carl immediately starts smiling.

"What happened?" I ask sitting up only to be set back down by Hershel.

"You passed out. You don't have the flu as bad as Glenn but, you could've died if Michonne and them hadn't came back when they did."Hershel said as I glance out the cell door seeing dead bodies and pools of blood.

"And while you were unconscious...we lost multiple people." He told me.

I sigh but instantly remember something.

"Carl! What are you doing in here? You're going to catch it." I said worriedly before coughing.

"You need to rest." He said to me. "And I wasn't going to watch you pass out and not make sure you were okay."

"I tried to keep him out but he insisted he made sure you were alright. Now go ahead and relax." Hershel told me as he walked out Carl following him.

"Wait- Carl?" I said making him turn back around.

"Thank you." I tell him as a small smile creeps onto my face earning one from him in return before he walked out.


Okay so! I cannot believe we are right next to, as I've been calling it, "The big chapter" (which will be the next chapter.) I'm sorry this chapter was shorter I had to stop it before the war happens. So for the question, I want you guys to reread the description for this book and answer this question. What do you think Carl did to make (Y/N) break down like that? (Which will be in the next chapter) Tell me your answer in the comments. And Gwyn! Don't answer cause I think I told you what happens like a long while back. I also wanted to ask you guys if I should split this story into two books sort of like a sequel this one will end at where (Y/N) runs away from the prison and the next book will start where she (and someone else, maybe. idk I haven't divided yet) are out of the prison and trying to survive or whatever you know what I'm talking about. Or do you guys just want me to continue the story in this book? So tell me what you guys think I should do and majority rules so yea!

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