Chapter 41: Contraptions and traps

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So who else watched the season 6 premiere?! Okay so my thoughts on it was it was ok, it confused me a little I liked it except for this one part -_- they were holding hands... Enid...stay... Away... ok you can read on.

It was the next morning and Rick, Michonne, Carl, and I were going on a run in Ricks and Carl's old town. Gwyn was able to go but she volunteered to stay back and help Beth with Judith.

Michonne was driving. Rick was in the passenger seat with Carl and I in the back. As we were driving on a long road there was a man with a lot of stuff packed in his back. He started yelling begging for us to slow down and help him. When we passed him he fell to the ground, struggling to catch him up to us. Me and Carl exchanged glances and I sighed silently. I looked at Rick and Michonne who had looks as if the man wasn't even there. We drove a little further as we approached what looked like a collision with two cars blocking the road and one truck flipped on its side in the grass. We drove around the two cars in the road. We stopped when we saw a walker lodged underneath the flipped car struggling to get to us. Michonne started driving again only to be stopped with the sound of the tires spinning and then spitting up mud.

"Shit..." I said under my breath.

I reached for the door handle when a walker slammed against the window causing me to jump back into Carl's arms. Soon enough our vehicle was surrounded by walkers hitting the windows. I sighed again sitting back up in my seat.

"Cover your ears." Rick told the three of us.

We did as we were told as he rolled down his window just enough to get the end of his gun through and shot the Walker that was there. one after one walkers would come to his window and he'd shoot them until they were all dead.


"What about this?" I asked Rick pulling out an oversized Hawaiian floral shirt from a suitcase on the road.

"That'll do." He said as I handed him it.

He took it do the back tire that was stuck in the mud.

"Tell me when." Michonne said as she got into the truck.

Rick grabbed a few sticks and told us to get some gravel to put with the shirt to make friction or something to get the truck unstuck.

As me and Carl were picking up handfuls of gravel a smile creeped onto my face as I an idea came to mind. I nudged carl causing him to fall over, making me laugh.

"Hey!" He laughed as he nudged me back and made me fall.

I heard Rick chuckle and saw Michonne laugh out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey! Don't leave!" I looked back and saw the man from earlier running toward us, tripping in the process.

We stood up and I brushed the dirt off of me.

"I'm begging you!"

Rick tapped the back of the truck signaling for Michonne to try driving.

The tire came out successfully and we got in the car still hearing the man yelling.

"Let's go." Rick told Michonne and she started driving.


We had stopped when we entered the small abandoned town and got out. We walked into a police station to find it empty.

"Got any other stations around?" Michonne asked him kicking an empty box of ammo.

He sighed clearly annoyed. "There are other places we can look."


As we were walking me and Carl kept nudging each other and messing around, laughing and giggling. We turned a corner and my eyes grew wide. Carl followed my gaze and his smile turned dull. We all pulled out our weapons keeping them close just in case. In front of us were contraptions, traps- almost. As we slowly approached the traps there were the words "turn back and survive" spray painted on the ground. Carl locked his hand with mine. We walked between the wooden spikes and ducked under twine and rope. I started to hear faint growls. When I turned around there was just a lone Walker following us. I aimed my gun up at her about to shoot.

"Hang on." Rick told me.

I looked back at him.

"She'll get caught." Carl told me.

I lowered my gun as we watched. As soon as she bumped into a rope someone shot her. I look to where the bullet came from and see a person in protective gear, aiming their gun at us on a roof.

"Hands!" He yelled to us.

We moved to where we could be seen in the open surrounded by the traps and did as told, putting our hands in the air.

"Now you drop everything you've got and you go!" He yelled to us.

"Run to the car now." Rick told us.

"But-" I started.

"We need that rifle." Michonne told him.

"Everything! Your guns your shoes...and that sword! You have 10 seconds!" The man yelled once again and started counting down.


"I think I can get up there." Michonne told Rick.

"Carl, (Y/N), go now!" Rick yelled as he shot at the man and the man shot at him.

Carl took my hand and we started running. We hid behind a broke down truck both of us breathing heavily. The gunshots stopped and I slowly peaked my head out to see Rick sitting on the ground being shielded by a car as he was looking up at Michonne on the roof. By the look on their faces I could tell they didn't know where he went. Suddenly the man came out from a glass door of the building and started shooting at Rick getting closer and closer. Carl got up but stayed low and motioned for me to follow. The man was approaching Rick, who was hiding behind a barrel. Before he could shoot Rick, Carl shot the man. Sending him to fall to the ground as Michonne just missed slicing his head off.

"Are you guys okay?" Rick asked Carl and I.

"Yeah." Carl answered and I nodded.

"I told you to run for the car." He said to us.

We stayed silent.

Rick knocked on the mans chest. "He's wearing body armor." He took off his button up, then the bullet proof vest and lifted his under shirt revealing his skin which was bruised and swollen where the bullet hit him.
"Well, He's alive."

"Should we care?" I asked him.

Rick took off his helmet and mask. His eyes grew as he saw the man's unconscious face. "Yeah."

So I wanted to give you guys a little bit of a longer chapter :3

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