Chapter 18: Im scared of losing someone.

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We were in the living room in silence as Dale walked in with an ice pack for Lori.

"I'm so sorry." She told Carl as she places the ice pack on her forehead. "That I left without telling you."

"It's fine. I was sacred but (Y/N) made me feel better." He said looking over at me.

"I was just returning the favor." I smiled.

"When's dad getting back?" He asked his mom.

"Let's hope soon." Was her reply.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked mentioning the baby.

"We won't know until it's born." Lori told him.

"Well if it's a girl, can we name her Sophia?" He asked and there was a slight pause when Shane walked in.

"Hey bud can I talk to Lori a minute?"

We got up and left to let them talk and sat at the dining room table.

"Thank you." Carl spoke up from the silence and looked up at me.

"No problem." I gave a friendly smile.


It was the next morning and Shane was about to leave to find the others. All of a sudden we hear and see the truck driving up. Rick gets out and Carl jumps in his arms and hugged him.

"Who's he?" I ask them as I see a guy unconscious in the back blindfolded.

"That's Randell." Glenn answered me.


We were sitting at the dining room table a few of us standing, talking about how Randell was shot by his own men and left to die.

"We couldn't have just left him behind. It would've bled out." Rick told everyone.

"What do we do with him?" Kiara asked leaning against the wall.

"I repaired his calf muscle as best I could." Hershel came out of the other room and told us. "Won't be on his feet for at least a week."

"When he gets better well give him a bit of supplies and send him on his way." Rick told her.

"Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are." Gabby argued.

"He was blind folded." I told her.

"He's not a threat." Rick said.

"Not a threat? How many of his men were there? You killed three of them holding one of them hostage and you think they aren't gonna just come looking for him?"

"Rick said his "group" left him for dead, Shane. They won't come looking." I told him.

"We should still post a guard." Kiara spoke up.

"He'll be out cold for a few hours." Hershel said to us.

"You know what I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy." Shane scoffed and started walking out the room when he yelled back to us. "Hey look at this folks! We're back in fantasy land!"

"We still didn't deal with the incident about what you did with the barn!" Hershel called out to him. "Let me make this perfectly clear once and for all. This is my farm. I wanted you out but Rick talked me out of it. So do us both a favor. Shut your mouth."

Shane sighed and walked out angrily.


Everybody went to do their own thing and to brighten the mood I wanted to give everyone hugs because you know... Free hugs. I went outside and walked up to Gabby, and Kiara and held my arms out.

"What's with the hugs?" Kiara asked as Gabby gave me a hug.

"I don't know. A hug could make anyone feel better." I said as I hugged Kiara.

"Okay you have fun with that." She laughed a bit.

I went in the house and gave Maggie and Glenn a hug. They laughed and hugged me back with a confused look on their face. I went up to Hershel and gave him a hug while he was sitting on the couch.


I gave everyone in the house a hug and went outside. I hugged T-Dog, Dale, Carol, and Daryl before turning around and seeing Rick, Lori and Carl walking up. I ran to them and hugged Carl. He hugged me back. I tried pulling away but I couldn't.

"Carl?" I laughed trying to pull away again.

"Sorry." He let go and I pull away laughing and hug Lori and Rick.

"Because I'm bored and to brighten the mood, I'm just giving people hugs." I told them about to walk off until Carl grabs my arm.

"Can I talk to you?" He had a worried look on his face.

"Uh, yeah. What's wrong?" I asked him.

He lead me to the side of the house and he sighed.


"Carl. You can talk to me."

"I- okay. I'm scared."

"Im pretty sure we all a-" I tried telling him but he cut me off.

"No, you don't understand. There's somebody here... that everyday I'm terrified of losing."

"Carl. I know. Everybody does."

"It's just I fear every second of every day, because I know what happened to Sophia could happen to them too. If they end up-"
My thoughts cut him off.

This could go terribly wrong or just cheer everything up. I kind of knew he was talking about me otherwise he would've said their name. And without thinking I cut him off and placed my lips on his while hugging him. I pulled away and put my head on his chest hearing the steady beat of his heart.

"I'm scared of losing you too."

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