Chapter 39: One hell of a ride

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Huge thanks to bvbarmybecki they've been voting on my chapters and constantly reading, motivating me to update more. Thanks!!

It was the next morning and me and Carl were taking guard in the gated bridge, that connected one part of the prison to another, above the courtyard. Gwyn was inside getting to know everyone.

"I still don't know how out of all the people who could've came it was her."
I told him looking through binoculars at the other side of the fence.

I brought the binoculars down from my face and looked at Carl. He smiled and pulled my face to his connecting our lips. They move in sync for a second and I pull away. I bring the binoculars to my face as I laugh a bit. I scan the trees on the other side of the gate and see one Walker being guided by someone. I can't tell who it is until they step out from behind it. Andrea.

"Carl." I point at her and he looks through the scope of the gun he had.

"It's Andrea. We need to tell your dad."

"Stay here." He told me and ran back in the prison.

The Walker she had, had no arms or bottom jaw. I see Rick, Merle, Daryl, and Michonne come out of the prison with their guns raised and being cautious of anyone else with her. Gwyn and Carl came to where we were at.

"Are you alone?!" Rick asked her.

"Open the gate!" Andrea yelled.

"Are you alone?!" Rick repeated.


He threw the keys to Daryl and he opened up the gate. Carl motioned me and Gwyn to follow and we went down to where everyone was in the court yard.

Rick had taken her bag and threw it on the ground a few feet away and made her put her hands up.

"I asked I you were alone."

"I am." Andrea answered Rick.


We went inside and when Carol saw her they both hugged. Everybody stood around in the main room. I sat next to Carl at a table, our fingers intertwined and Gwyn sat next to me.

"I can't believe this." She said looking around. "Where's Shane?"

Rick shook his head.

"And Lori?" She asked.

Rick put his head down.

"She had a girl. Lori didn't survive." I told her. "Neither did T-Dog."

You could tell everybody wasn't too fond of Andrea being here.

"I'm so sorry." She said. "Carl..." She looked at Carl thinking he would probably still be torn from his moms passing.

He just stared at her.

"You all live here?" She asked.

"Here in the cell block." Glenn told her.

"Can I go in?" She walked up when Rick stepped in front of her. "I-I'm not an enemy."

"I thought my sister wasn't either. I was wrong." I looked her in the eyes.

"We had the field until your boyfriend and his buddies came in and took down the gate and fired at us." Rick told her.

"He said you fired first." Andrea said with a puzzled face.

I scoffed. "He was lying. He shot an inmate that survived in here." I told her, my arms crossed. At this point she was really annoying me.

"We liked him he was one of us." Daryl said looking at the ground then back at everyone else.

"I didn't have a clue about it. I came as soon as I heard. As soon as the shooting broke out in Woodbury." Andrea said to us looking for a bit of sympathy and forgiveness for her. I could feel the anger rising up inside me.

"That was days ago." Glenn told her.

"I told you I came as soon as I could. I was a part of this group in Atlanta and now I'm the odd man out?" She paused and turned to Michonne.
"What did you tell them?"

"She didn't tell us anything. Even if she did it isn't her fault my father, my sister is planning to shoot us all to the ground." I started raising my voice unnoticeably and stood up from my seat. "You come here saying you've been in this group since Atlanta and that we aren't enemies, but you're here trying to "work something out" and yet you're going to stay with him cause you can't fix all this!" I finished and found everyone's eyes on me. To be honest I didn't know what I was talking about. She was just getting on my nerves.

I sighed and stomped out to the cell block room. I felt Carl's hand brush against mine as he tried to stop me but I had just gotten out of his reach. I sat on the bed and intertwined my fingers with my hair and rested my elbows on my knees and thought.

This war is going to be one hell of a ride.

Sorry I didn't update a lot last week but THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 4K READS AND 300 VOTES!!!! I love you guys so much.

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