Chapter 38: Out of every person it was her

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Ok so before you start reading I would like to thank BSloves1D . If she didn't show me wattpad last year I wouldn't even be writing this story. So go over and thank her cause she is amazing!

I pulled back from hugging her.

"How?..." I wanted to ask her more but the words just weren't comprehending in my head from how shocked I was.

She sighed and started talking as the guys walked up. "My family?...gone. I had kept up with a few groups along the way. But I couldn't stay with them. Considering why I left they probably won't survive any longer. They would argue about the stupidest things which lead to many deaths."

"So I'm guessing you know her?" Rick said.

"This is Gwyn. Gwyn this is Rick, Glenn, Daryl, and Carl." I told her gesturing to each of them. "There are more inside."

"Before we go I have to ask you three questions." Rick told her.


"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked her kneeling down to her height. Which wasn't by much she was like really tall.

"I've lost count." She scoffed.

"How many people have you killed?"

Her eyes immediately filled with sorrow and she looked at the ground. "Two." She said quietly.


"One of them was my father. He was bit and I couldn't see him like one of those things. The other was a man in my first group. I guess the whole thought of the apocalypse got to his head. He went insane and tried to kill his own daughter."

"Not far from what my father did." I said to myself.

"He swung at her with this ax, I stood in his way and shot him before he could."

Everybody was silent waiting for Rick who looked like he was thinking.

"Come on." He said putting his hand on her shoulder.

Me and Carl intertwined our fingers and we all started walking back to the prison.


We walked through the prison doors turning every head.

"This is my long lost friend, Gwyn." I Introduced her about to cry again. I just couldn't believe one of my closest friends out of everyone who could've ran into me, it was her.

"Welcome to the group." Hershel said and smiled.


The three of us sat at a table. Like always, I sat next to Carl and intertwined our fingers.

"Where's Gabby?" Gwyn asked me.

"She's a traitor." I told her blankly. "We ran into our father a few days ago and he tried to tell us that this group can't keep us safe and she believed him."

"Oh. And so you two are a thing?" She smirked.

I smiled and Carl kissed my forehead.

"Awww!!" She said bringing her hands to her cheeks.

I laughed at her.

"You still have it?" she said gesturing to the mood ring I had on my finger which was now stained with dirt and something that was probably blood.

"Yep. Surprised it hasn't fallen off or broke." I told her.

I yawned making the most Inhumane noise causing them both to laugh at me.

"All I did was yawn!" I said. They were both laughing their asses off.

"Come on." Carl said as he stopped laughing.


Gwyn got a cell all to herself. Seeing as I had known her for my whole life, it seemed Rick could trust her.

I laid down next to Carl and rested my head on his chest with his arm around me.

I started thinking.

I know I said my dad is coming but I didn't really think about it. Like, would he wait until he has more stronger people then come back and try to kill us all? He probably would. Gabby would be with him and she'd try to kill me like she did twice before.

"Do you think my dad's going to come?" I asked Carl looking at the dark nothingness.

"Yes. And that's why this time I'm not going to let anything or anyone take you away."

"Carl, one day it's probably going to happen and for a stupid reason too. But just know whatever happens I'll always be back." I looked up at him even though I couldn't see him I knew he was looking down at me.

"Let's hope it's just far from now." He pecked my lips and rested his head back.

I fell asleep thinking about what's happening.

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