Chapter 29: The moving door

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Rick looked like he was about to pass out while the baby was crying.

"Do we have anything a baby can eat?" Daryl asked nobody in particular.

Carl grabbed her from Maggie and took her to Hershel.

"Good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula and soon or she won't survive." Hershel told us.

"Nope. Not her. We ain't loosing nobody else. I'm going on a run." Daryl told him putting his crossbow over his shoulder.

"I'll back you up."Maggie told him.

"What?" Glenn asked her.

"I need to go...for Lori." She told him.


Maggie cut him off by kissing him. "I'll be fine."

Glenn sighed and didn't argue.

"Okay. (Y/N)." Daryl motioned me to come over. I got up from where I was at and walked over to him. "His mom just died and his dad isn't doing too hot-"

"I'll look out for him." I cut him off. He was obviously talking about Carl. I understood what he could possibly be going through.

"Okay. You two make sure walkers don't pile up on the fence." Daryl said pointing at the Oscar and Axel. Let's go."

"Rick?" Maggie called out to him. He grabbed the ax off the ground and started heading into the prison and slammed the metal door.

"Get the gate! Come on we're loosing light!" Daryl told everybody.

I walked over to Carl and Beth who were sitting on the steps, the baby in Beth's arms.

"You okay?" I asked Carl sitting next to him.

"I'm fine." He mumbled. I sat there for a second looking at him.

"If you want to talk to me you ca-"

"I said I'm fine." He cut me off. He got up and walked off.

I sighed and rested my chin in my hand.

"He just needs a bit of time to cope with the whole situation." Beth tells me.

"I know. I know how he feels. I don't blame him for feeling the way he's feeling."I told Beth.


Glenn went to find Rick a while ago. When he came back he said Rick went berserk. He said he tried to lead Rick out and he pushed him against the wall threatened to choke him but didn't say a word then walked off with the bloody ax in his hand. It was night time and Carl's calmed down a bit. He was holding the baby sitting next to me at a table in our cell block. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine, causing my to faintly smile. Maggie and Daryl come through the door and set a few bags on the table. Daryl takes the baby from Carl's arms while Maggie and Beth prepare a bottle.

"Does she have a name yet?" Daryl asked as Beth handed him a bottle with 'milk' in it.

"I was thinking about Sophia." Carl told him. "There's Carol too. And...Gabrielle, Andrea, Amy, Jaquie, or...Lori? I don't know." He said and walked back to the table and sat down.

"Huh? Do you like that?... How bout Little ass-kicker?" Daryl smirks And we all laugh.


Everyone was heading to bed and Rick was still somewhere in the prison going crazy. I walk in our cell and lay next to Carl, his back faced me.

"I know how you feel Carl."I told him softly. "I lost somebody today too... Now I have no family." My eyes tearing up a bit, I waited and there was no response.

Is Love Really Worth Dying For? -Carl x Reader-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ