Chapter 15: Some things are unexpected...

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I stayed by Carl's side all night in the chair next to the bed. He started to stir. He opened his eyes and looked around.

"Good morning." He jumped when I spoke and it made us both laugh. "Sorry."

"You're fine." He had a confused look on his face and tried to sit up. He winced in pain and laid back down.

"Hershel said you'll need to rest until it's healed." I told him.

There was a short moment of silence till I broke it.

"Well I'll go tell your mom you're awake." I got up heading for the door.

"Wait." He called out. I looked back. "Why do you care so much?"

"I don't know. It just feels like I need to stay by your side." I told him shrugging. "I'll let you rest."

He nodded and I headed out the door.


It's been a few days and Carl was able to be up and moving. We still haven't found Sophia. Daryl went out by himself and tried looking for her and found her doll at the creek but that was all. Shane shaved his head for some unknown reason. We were going to start gun training today but I decided to just watch. I'm fine with just a knife. Kiara wanted to practice with her gun and Gabrielle said she needs to learn to use just any weapon. She hasn't used her knife since she got it. Gabby and Kiara were helping Glenn hand out fruit and jerky to everyone. Me and Carl were sitting by the RV. Shane walks by and complements Carl on his hat that his dad gave him. We got up and Shane sat on the bumper of the RV.

"I wanna learn to shoot too. Can you teach me?" Carl asked Shane.

"We'll see."

Carl nodded and started heading back when I heard a small click.

"Hey. Let me see what you have there." Shane told him hearing the click too.

Carl hesitated then lifted the side of his shirt and there, a gun was holstered on his pants.


We were sitting on a bench while Shane Lori Rick and Dale were talking about the gun. I personally think everyone should hold a gun on them but obviously I don't get a say in this.

"How did this happen?" Lori asked them.

"Well I let him in the RV." Dale told her.

"He wants to learn how to shoot. He came up and asked me. I would teach him But it's your call." Shane told her.

"I just don't feel comfortable with it." She said to them.

"Everybody needs to learn how to use a weapon just in case." I told Lori.

"Oh come on. He was just shot. He's just back on his feet an he wants a gun?" Lori argued.

"You can save a man from a bullet, but you can't save a man from a bite." I told her sternly. "Meaning, if he doesn't know how to use a gun and he runs into a walker, he can either keep running or he's screwed and you can't run forever."

Lori sighed knowing she was the only one against letting Carl use a gun.


Us four kids were in the truck with Shane heading further in the field for training. When we got there Shane set up some empty cans and bottles on the fence and gave Carl and Gabrielle each a gun. He had showed them how to shoot and I watched. Kiara hit the bottle first try, Gabrielle missed two then hit it, and Carl missed one and then hit it. I watched them shoot for a while when Shane said it was time to go. We got back to the farm and everybody was giving high fives to them.


It was late at night and everybody was in their tents since we obviously all can't sleep in the house. I was sharing a tent with Gabby and Kiara. They were asleep already. I felt my eyelids getting heavy when I hear the quiet sound of the tent unzipping. I pull my knife from the holster and get ready. Although I knew it was an actual person I can't risk it. The tent door folds down and I see Carl. I sighed and put my knife back in the holster.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering if you want to go with me to practice shooting." He asked me.

"Carl, it's probably the middle of the night by now."

"I know, but do you?"

I sighed and pulled the covers off. We ran back to the spot we were yesterday. I could only faintly see everything since it was dark. Carl set up the cans. He came back to me and gave me his gun. I stared at him for a few seconds and tried handing back his gun.

"I'm fine with my knife."I told him.

"Well since I know how to shoot I want to teach you." He told me pushing the gun back.

I sighed. "Fine." I held up the gun at the can and shot. Missed it.

"Try holding it like this." Carl put his hands on mine from behind and aimed the gun. It was a sweet gesture but I wanted to do it myself.

"I don't want any help." I told him.

"Okay." He stepped back and I missed again.

"Here let me-" I cut him off. "I don't need your help."

"I just wanted to get you started."

"Well I want to do it on my own."

"I dragged you out here to teach you how to shoot just let me help. "

"I don't need your help! I don't need you here. If I wanted your help I would've asked! I can do it myself. Just go back to the-" His lips fell on mine. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. I sighed angrily and stomped off back to the farm.

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