Chapter 28: Behind His Back

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So Cassy has come back crazy as ever and she has risen the meant to be dead vampires from the old cemetery somehow, who are also now after Katherine to kill her, as ordered by an original 'Cassy'...Nicole, Harry, Liam and Sheryl are trying to figure out, how she managed to do this and the others are checking the old cemetery for any clues.

Meanwhile, Katherine found the mysterious brunette who 'turned' out to be her long lost sister, she never knew she had. The man who kidnapped 'Karelyn' when she was 17 had a witch, to put a spell on everyone to forget about her, but Katherine in some way finally remembered by going into a vision, when she made contact with her new found sister. Kate and Zayn go out (Kayn<3) Katherine's birthday is coming up soon and Halloween too; school is starting in a week for them so time is running out...

That's what you've missed so far on 'Turned'

--Harry's POV--

Sheryl and Nicole have been researching, while I and Liam are looking up in books on anything about 'originals'. "So have you two found anything at all?" I asked Sheryl and Nicole, as I flipped through the pages in the old book, I was assigned to look at even though I am not really reading half of it.

Nicole nodded as she turned from the computer. "Yeah erm she and Hilary couldn't have raised the dead vampires from the dead without a witch like me being involved"

I slowly nodded. "So someone else is against us, great how fantastic is that." I said with such a sarcastic tone visible in my voice.

Her phone rang and I looked at it to see someone called 'Luke' ringing her, she smiled at the caller ID and looked up. "It's my boyfriend, I have to take this." She dismissed herself from the room.

Liam put his book down and sighed while running his fingers through his hair. "How did this even all start? Me and Sheryl can't even have one day together without drama."

We all stopped what we were doing relaxing for a bit, because we have been searching things up for hours now and the others haven't returned. We are in Connor, Darryl and Ryan's place and no one has even called or text on any updates.

Speaking of no updates my phone vibrated meaning I have a text messages. I looked at the people who text me and surprise Zayn and Connor text me, probably to make us do more stuff.

I read Connors text first; 'we found a dagger with a print on it but none of us can see it clearly, we think it might be Cassys, we'll be back soon' -C

I replied with a simple; 'Ok.'

Then I read Zayn's message which got me interested more; 'Harry you are going to be shocked when we tell you the news me and Louis just found out, turns out the brunette has a very fascinating background story, we will give you more news when we come back'

My reply to that was 'great hurry up then' all this is too much we should be having fun. I should be with Katherine, but Cassy that piece of nothing had to go ahead and ruin my plans. Me and Zayn said we wouldn't get in the way of each other's relationship with Kate, because then we will end up having a fight which never ends well. We should all at least have one day off from this madness.

"I've searched all over the net and there isn't one thing about an original vampire besides all the fake facts." Sheryl says as she bumps off her seat and sits on Liam's lap.

I shrugged. "Oh well. So what are we going to do for Halloween and isn't it Kate's 19th birthday in 4 days too?" As if I just remembered she was on about her past birthdays non-stop, when we went on our second date not that I didn't care. She's something special and having her be mine would be-

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