Chapter 1: Damned

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus had an elaborate dinner set up after he finally had returned to his rightful home. He and the vampires of New Orleans sat at the table along with Hayley. Despite his wife having just declared war on him, Klaus remained determined to stay as happy as he could be. He stood up and tapped his glass with a fork to get the attention of the courtyard.

"Let's begin with a toast, shall we?" He said beaming at them all. "To immortality. After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine." He gestured and a group of servants came and slit their wrists, their blood filling the cups of the vampires in his court. "Insatiable need, exquisite pain, our victories and our defeats" Klaus found himself changing the topic back to his wife, all he said was about his wife, but she wasn't here anymore. His city was. "To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..." Klaus was cut off by Marcel who raised his glass along with him as he spoke.

"And the party never end!"

"To New Orleans" One of Marcel's favourites had said. Diego, Klaus recalled.

"To New Orleans" They had all repeated. Klaus was sure that they were up to something but he brushed it off, he knew they would fail and he would eventually sway them.

"Now some of you may have questions regarding the recent change in leadership, but I assure you that you are not defeated. I plan to celebrate us and what we have. What Marcel took and built for this true community of vampires." Klaus had said like a delighted.

"What about the wolf?" Diego said pointing at Hayley.

"If you had just let me finish" Klaus disguised his tone behind a fake smile, he had desperately wanted to make an example of him but he knew if he did he would never win the support of the others. "Hayley, is carrying my child as many of you know, therefore you will treat her with the appropriate respect. And for those of you that are concerned about a vicious rumour that I plan to use my child to sire hybrids, I shall squash the rumour right now. I have no intention of creating more hybrids, especially not with the blood of my child."

"Well aren't you just the father of the year?" Hayley said smirking sarcastically. Klaus walked up behind her and pinched her.

"I will earn your trust." Klaus said definitively. "We'll eliminate the root of your anxiety. There will not be any werewolves alive in the Bayou to turn, after you have your way with them."

"What? Klaus, don't!"

"Eat, drink and be merry" Klaus said gleefully, ignoring Hayley's pleas. "And tomorrow, have yourselves a little wolf hunt. Have fun and kill them all!"

~Fiore POV~

"A rum please" I ordered. "The best you have, and the bottle, the whole bottle"

"Rough night, huh?" I looked up at the pretty bartender that was smiling down at me. She was blonde with dazzling brown eyes and had a bright smile.

"The roughest" I said as she poured some into my glass.

"What happened?" She asked, resting her elbows on the counter.

"I came back here to see someone I hadn't seen in a while and things didn't go as planned." I downed the glass and slammed it on the table, gesturing for her to pour some more.

"I get it" she said nodding her head.

"Normally, this wouldn't even be an issue, I would just find a way to torture him, but I'm also angry at his family so to make matters worse, I am now currently homeless" I grumbled.

"Well not that I normally offer my home to strangers, but if you want, you could stay with me. I'm looking for a roommate" she said shrugging her shoulders. "I also get a discount on drinks which is always a plus" she said smiling.

"That's actually quite amazing of you!" I said brightly. "I'm so glad I told you my life story for no apparent reason other than you being a bartender. You must know so many secrets"

"You see that guy over there" she said gesturing to a nervous man sitting on a table. "I asked him why he was sitting funny and he said he had something up his butt" She said giggling.

"I always said if I got a job it would be as a bartender"

"You've never had a job?" She said on bewilderment.

"Yeah I'm actually very rich, lots of money" I said turning back to her

"Then why are you homeless? Can't you just buy a mansion? I'm not rich, I live on a bartender's salary"

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "My whole life, like magic, I could get what I wanted but I've done that for what feels like over 2000 years, I want to work for once in my life. You aren't hiring are you?"

"I could pull a few strings for a friend" she said smiling again.

"You know I had a friend, he was a bartender, but he wasn't much fun. Quite the golden boy actually" I said thinking about Matthew back in Mystic Falls.

"Now you have two bartender friends." She said, cleaning cups.

"Is it a fun gig? Do you get to be all sexy and fun and dance on tables and get called pop tart by absolutely repulsive men?" I asked giggling.

"I mean I don't, but Nicole does" she said gesturing to a girl with a tray on her hand, smiling and flirting with all the barmy customers.

"I don't suppose her job is on offer?" I said sulking.

"Actually it is" she said scratching her head. "I just realised, we don't even know each other's names, yet we're roommates, and soon we'll be working together. I'm Cami O'Connell" she said as she extended out her hand to me.

"I'm Fiore." I said giving her my hand to shake.

"No last name?" She asked an eyebrow raised.

"No, it's a mononym" I said smirking.

I hope New Orleans missed me because I was back and I would be damned if I didn't leave a trail of bodies behind me.


I'm so excited to be able to upload again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to vote follow and leave a comment! X

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