Chapter 21: Not So Suicidal Witch

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Sophie, Klaus and I were still at the cauldron examining the dead bodies of the vampires that had been killed by a very particular witch.

"It's a complex spell." Sophie started. "Old-school stuff, rooted in sacrificial magic. Whoever did this to your guys, my guess is they were an offering to gain more power. More guys they kill; more power they have." My phone started to ring and I looked at in surprise. It was Cami. At least it wasn't Elijah because whenever he called, we were in trouble.

"Hello Camille, something wrong with the new car?" I asked her jokingly.

"You need to get to Rousseau's right now" She said clearly panicked by what was going on there. "Some lunatic witch doctor is killing Marcel!" Need to add her to the list of ring when there's trouble.

"Cami get as far away from there as you can right now." I cut the phone and was immediately met with a text from Elijah. Double dose of trouble. Just the way my enemies like it.

Elijah: Rebekah is in trouble. Need help at the docks.

"Nik, there's something I need to tell you that I should probably have told you before." I said nervously. With all that was occurring, I had to come clean. And he would not like it.

"What did you do?" He asked furrowing his forehead. He knew me all too well.

"Basically... the nightmare I had was about Papa Tunde, and now Cami has just called to tell me that a witch doctor is killing Marcel, and with all these murders, it's probably safe to assume that Papa Tunde is back" I blurted out, trying to get it out as quickly as possible.

"Fiore Mikaelson how coul— "

"No time to shout at me, you need to go save her!" I said pressing my fingers to his lips. He had used my full name which meant I was for the lecture of my life.

"What? Save Cami? Why?"

"Because she's my friend" I told him expectantly. I didn't have time to write him a bleeding buzzfeed listicle.

"Then you save her." He said crossing his arms defiantly. I was beginning to think of headers for the article at this point just to get him to do as I asked.

"She's with Marcel and I can't see him right now, besides Elijah needs my help saving Rebekah."


"Love you, see you later" I pecked him on the lips and sped to the docks before he could confront me properly.

~Tunde POV~

Papa Tunde knelt down in front of Marcel's body and carved a mark onto his head with his bone blade.

"As I recall, you are one of the few people Fiore Mikaelson ever cared about. She called you her family, despite not being blood." Papa Tunde said ignoring Marcel's screams. "You know what she did to my family, even though it is I that is of her flesh and blood. And then Niklaus Mikaelson killed me. But the sins of the father are paid for by the son. A truth that my own sons were forced to learn in such a gruesome manner. And now I will take great pleasure in telling Klaus how you died."

It was then that Klaus zoomed into the room and threw Papa Tunde into the bar. Tunde smirked knowing he would be able to carry out his revenge.

"I remember killing you. In fact, I relished it. What a joy it is to relieve fond memories" Klaus said gritting his teeth.

"You're here" Papa Tunde said smiling. "I wish you had brought your wife with you, so I could crush you both in front of your son. But this will suffice. Afterwards I will consume you both. I learnt my lesson from before, this time I'm stronger. But more than that—I'm smarter."

~Fiore POV~

Elijah was panicking in the warehouse with Hayley beside him, shrieking down the phone to Sophie trying to save Rebekah who was in a small, but powerful binding circle, being channelled by Tunde and trapped in a boundary spell.

"We cannot enter the circle" Elijah told her. "There's a confinement spell and if I can't remove her then I can't break the link."

"It's a convoluted spell. Like a witch's recipe. You can spoil the balance by adding a more potent ingredient." Sophie told him.

"What about the blood of a witch?" I asked her.

"No, not powerful enough" Sophie answered. "It'd have to be all the blood of the witch, like an entire life."

"Use me." I said nodding. If I had to die to save Rebekah, at least she'd owe me one when she woke up. I was protected in more ways than one.

"No I mean a permanent death. You can't die and I don't know any suicidal witches." She replied and I hung up and paced about the dock trying to find a way out of our dire situation.

"We need to be quick, I just sent Nik to go after him, and he won't be able to hold him off for that long and then he'll be channelling two originals, plus Marcel and who knows who else?" I said until I stopped in front of Hayley and realised. "The baby. That baby is a quarter witch."

"I will not allow you to kill that child, Fiore. We will find another solution" Elijah said sternly.

"We don't have one Elijah!" I snapped. "But I don't mean a permanent, permanent death. We kill the baby, send it to the Other Side and bring it back. WILL THAT WORK?" I called out.

"You don't have to shout; you just have to think about what I'm thinking" Silas muttered. "And it would."

"How risky is it?" I asked him to the confusion of Elijah and Hayley.

"Not at all. You kill the two of them and the mother gets him on the Other Side." Silas told me.

"Okay. Bye." I turned back to Hayley and Elijah who looked at me as if I was in need of hospitalisation. "That was my dead father on the Other Side. Long story, I'll explain later. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to Mystic Falls with Hayley." I dragged her with me and zoomed away so Elijah didn't have a chance to oppose. I seemed to be leaving people in the dust a lot today.

A/N: Fiore is playing with fire today, damn praying for this family! Comment and tell me what you think! Please vote and follow me as well! See you next week! X

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