Chapter 13: Accept It Or Let It Tear You Apart

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Rebekah and I walked to the docks where she said Davina would be. I told her to wait outside and to only come in if it was necessary.

"I had a dream" I heard her say. "A dream that Tim wasn't dead and he played a song he wrote for me— "

"And he kissed you and you were normal" I finished for her.

"How did you know?" She asked in bewilderment.

"Because I created it for you" I said as I walked into the warehouse. "It was lovely, I know it was, but Davina love—it was just a dream"

"GET OUT OF HERE" Marcel shouted angrily but I merely ignored him and continued talking to her.

"Davina, my whole life I was told I was an abomination of my nature, by my father no less. I wanted so bad to be human, to be normal" I said as I knelt down beside her. "But at the end of the day, I am what I am and I can't change that. The same way you can't stop being a witch. The only thing you have control over is whether you accept it, or let it tear you apart."

"I SAID GET OUT" Marcel roared but this time I was tired of his interference.

"Can you not see that she is dying? That your stubbornness will be the death of her?" I snapped.

"I promised I'd fight for her. I won't break that promise" He said clenching his fists.

"And no one is asking you not to fight!" Rebekah said as she walked in after noticing the tension pile up. "You're the only family that this girl has. You owe it to her to fight for her to live."

"Rebekah, tell them to start, they'll come" Rebekah obeyed and nodded as she left.

"Davina isn't going to do the ritual." Marcel snapped back at me. I planned to retaliate with force but I never got to speak up as I started to vomit up more water.

"Marcel, it's okay" Davina said crying. "Look at her, I'm killing her because she tried to protect me"

"I failed you D" Marcel said looking at her devastated.

"Either way I die, right? The only option I have is whether I accept it, or let it tear me apart no—let it tear the whole city apart. If you look at it that way, it's selfish if I don't do it." I looked up and smiled at the brave little girl.

"It can't end like this" Marcel said as tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Maybe it won't." She shrugged and took his face in her hands. "But if it is, then I've had a lot. I had Monique, Tim, Josh, Cami, Fiore and most importantly, someone that fought for me from the moment they laid eyes on me. Most people don't get that if they live to be a hundred."

"Even a thousand" I chuckled.

"I'm ready, Marcel."

The three of us made our way over to the cemetery in silence, Davina was far too weak to do anything and Marcel was too upset. I braced myself for what was about to happen and thought about her last words, 'someone that fought for me from the moment they laid eyes on me'. As we arrived I looked at the one person that had done the same for me. Klaus looked at me completely relieved, he had been worried, despite knowing that I could never be killed and that anyone that even tried would pay the consequences in tenfold, he was still worried. His face soon turned to worry again as he looked at the trail of flames that we were making as we walked in, the last stage had begun. Marcel placed Davina's body on the altar and Sophie stood over her with the ceremonial athame.

"Do you believe in the harvest?" Sophie asked.

"I do" She nodded her head nervously and just as Sophie was about to raise the blade I remembered something.

"Wait!" I called out.

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet, because it's too late" Sophie said eyeing me carefully.

"No, it's just" I walked up to Davina and took her hand in mine. "I was looking through Cami's notes on hexes and there was one that made you regress, until you were a baby and eventually die— "

"She has to die with the athame" Sophie stopped me.

"I know" I snapped. "But I can modify the hex, so you won't die, but when she does kill you, you won't feel the pain. It's also a bit selfish on my part because it'll lessen the effects of our link that way when you come back, I won't have died yet and you'll wake up surrounded by people that care about you."

"And Klaus" She mumbled.

"And Klaus" I said chuckling through my tears. "But only if you want me to." She nodded her head and I placed the hex on her and returned to where the Mikaelsons were standing. Sophie raised the athame up and slit her throat, killing her. Her skin started to glow as the magic flowed through her and back into the ground. The rain stopped and the flames were extinguished. I sighed in relief, it was working.

"After the Harvest comes the Reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones." She said the words that should have brought her back but nothing happened.

"Do it again" I urged her uneasily.

"We call upon our elders, to resurrect our chosen ones." She became flustered as once again nothing happened and became close to our tears. "Please, I'm begging... resurrect your chosen ones" When nothing happened again, she knelt down and began to sob. All around me, Hayley sobbed, Rebekah sobbed, Marcel ran, even Elijah and Klaus were sobered. They had given up.

"No" I shrieked as I ran over to Sophie and Davina. "Do it again"

"It's not working" She sobbed.

"I SAID DO IT AGAIN" She looked back at me in tears unable to say the words. "Fine, I'll do it myself, wouldn't be the first time." I knelt over Davina's body and just as I started to do the spell Klaus tapped me.

"Blossom, she's gone she— "

"NO" I screamed. "I TOLD HER SHE WOULD COME BACK AND SHE WILL. GET OFF ME" I said as I shrugged him off my shoulder, but I knew it was futile, there was nothing I could do. "I said I would bring her back" I cried.

"We all did." Klaus said as he picked me up and hugged me as I sobbed into his jacket.

"I promised her, nothing would happen, I said I would bring her back" I wiped my eyes and knelt back down beside her. "I'm not giving up. IM NOT GIVING— "


~Klaus POV~

Klaus returned to the compound with Fiore in his arms. He changed her clothes and cleaned her bloodied neck and laid her down on his bed. He sighed as he returned to the courtyard where Marcel was destroying furniture in order to compensate for Davina's death.

"That won't bring her back, Marcel" He told the angry vampire.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT" Marcel hollered. "I should have never let her anywhere near you. This city was fine before you came. We were fine! Davina was safe, she was in control! If you hadn't gotten her worked up, if you hadn't killed that boy!"

"My condolences Marcel" Klaus said nervously approaching him. "But the girl is gone. We still have our community, the vampires, the—" Klaus was trying to console him, remind him of all the things he still did have, but it only riled him up more.

"I DON'T CARE." Marcel yelled at him. "She is dead! Do you not hear me? She is dead." Klaus walked over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug, he knew what he had to say now.

"I'm sorry. You may think I know nothing of your grief, but you are wrong. In the days after I fled this city, I thought you were dead. It was years before I could speak your name, so keenly did I feel that loss. I'm sorry." Marcel started to sob into his shoulder and Klaus hugged him tighter and whispered into his ear. "I'm sorry."

A/N: Don't forget to comment, vote and follow! Ugh, how sad was this? Davina's death and then the thing with Marcel and Klaus? My ice cold heart melted! I hope you enjoyed this! Love you always! X

Enigmatic Beginnings: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {3}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum