Chapter 3: Fictional Monsters

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~Klaus POV~

"Marcel" Klaus started as he and Marcel stood in the French Quarter together. "I feel like you should know the full story of my planned coup. I didn't agree to usurp your power until the witches planned to kill my child. At first the thought of a child meant nothing to me, especially one at the detriment to Fiore. Then I recalled the contempt my father had for me, from the moment I was born, as yours did with you, as Fiore's did to her. I vowed that I would never allow what happened to me—what happened to us—to happen to my child." He drank from his flask and Marcel scoffed unimpressed.

"Everything you did, was just something you were forced to do, blah, blah, blah" Marcel said as he rolled his eyes. "So you feel kinda bad now, is that it?"

"Fine" Klaus said in resignation. "I'll admit it, I was jealous, I saw you had created this empire on your own, without me and I wanted it."

"I didn't do it on my own" Marcel replied after a small hesitation. "I stood in the shadow of my father my whole life and without you, and her, I never would have gotten out of it. You taught me that a man isn't defined by anyone himself."

"This community you built. I planned to rule over it whilst Fiore would gain their respect but you have that already, you have their love. I could rule them, but I cannot win them without you. Rule beside me, as equals. As friends. As family." Klaus offered Marcel his flask and Marcel smiled as he took a swig.

"I'm in"

"In that case, I have one last confession to make" Klaus said looking away from him. "I've already told you about Thierry, Cami and Joshua but there is one more thing you should know. Fiore is back in town." Marcel's eyes widened as he heard Klaus's words.

"Where is she?" He mumbled in awe.

"I have no idea." Klaus muttered. "But you can't go looking for her"

"Why the hell not?" Marcel snapped.

"Because she is positively livid at me." I said shaking my head. "And she will look for anyway to hurt me. She recently stooped lower than I ever thought she could and I don't think she'd bat an eyelid when it came to hurting you, if it meant she'd be hurting me too. "

"I wanna see her" Marcel said clutching his fists.

"She isn't going anytime soon, you'll see her. But do not go looking for her. If she thinks you're dead then we can find a way to protect you from her, or better yet, bring her back to us. Wait until she comes looking for you" Klaus urged. "Believe me, she will"

"This is your fault" Marcel sneered.

"I am all too aware of that" Klaus said sighing and shaking his head. "No one is hurting more than I am. Do you know what it's like to love someone so much that it takes over you and then have that same person hate someone you want to love just as much? Because I do. And it is heart wrenching. But I deal with it because it is a mess I made, and one I plan on cleaning up. I'll bring her home and the three of us can be a family, just like we always wanted."

"You really believe that?" Marcel asked, calming down.

"Crazier things have happened." Klaus said shrugging. "And this time I'm not going to give up. Not ever."

~Elijah POV~

Elijah and his sister returned to their barren home and his sister complained incessantly about being in the swamplands with him.

"I smell of the bloody bog" His sister whined. Elijah chuckled at his sister's pettiness when he heard the voice of someone else.

"Serves you right for your weak attempt to undermine my rule." Elijah hurried into the parlour at the voice of his brother.

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